Scripture Reading: Matthew 20:25-28
Subjection: How and Why
(Part 2)
1. Review Part 1: Subjection: “to place under, subordinate...a military term, to rank under.” Causes one to yield, submit, obey by surrendering self.
2. Subjection occurs for two reasons:
a. Due to a work, a position or a rank of another.
b. As a voluntary yielding of love.
3. We all are in subjection to someone...God.
4. Not a curse or a club; Necessary to have harmony, contentment, peace and unity with God and in our relations with others.
5. Subjection must be learned if it is to be lived.
6. Now consider what qualities of faith and character are essential in order to be in subjection (how to be in subjection), and some of the results of proper subjection (why we must yield in subjection).
A. Respect for Authority (understand its value).
1. To live under authority is the essence of subjection, Jno. 13:16-17.
a. cf. Jesus, Jno. 14:28; 8:28-29; At the cross (Acts 8:32-33).
b. cf. Centurion, Matt. 8:9.
2. Respect for authority is seen in our subjection to:
a. God's word / Christ (Lk. 6:46).
b. In the home: Yield in love and service.
c. Government: For conscience sake (Rom. 13:5).
d. Employer: As to the Lord (Eph. 6:5-8).
B. Love for Others.
1. One reason to submit when God says so is for love's sake.
a. Rom. 12:10: “In love...”; cf. Eph. 5:21.
b. Phil. 2:1-4: Having the same love (v. 2) translates into yielding to the best interests of others.
2. Love yields (where liberty allows) so peaceful unity will reign!
3. Subjection to each other, borne out of love for one another, would have prevented this problem, 1 Cor. 6:7-8.
4. Jesus is our Supreme example, Phil. 2:6-8.
C. Having a Servant Heart, Matt. 20:25-28.
1. Greatness in subjection is defined by service; not by having others subject to you so they must serve you! 20:25-26
2. Greatness is not having others serve you, 20:28.
a. To brethren, 1 Pet. 5:5.
b. To husband, parent, govt., God, etc.
3. Servant heart is the humble heart (Matt. 23:11-12).
D. A Willingness to Obey.
1. Christ’s submission to the Father is distinguished by His obedience to the Father’s will, Phil. 2:8.
2. Obedience is central to subjection; to surrender self, 1 Pet. 3:4-6.
3. Humility is central to obedience!
a. Difficulty with subjection means difficulty with obedience to God, Gal. 2:20; Lk. 9:23.
b. Obedience to Jesus (Matt. 7:21); Wife to her husband (Tit. 2:5); Employees to employers (Tit. 2:9); Children to parents (Eph. 6:1).
E. By Choosing to be in Subjection, Matt. 11:28-30.
1. God wants voluntary subjection, not forced compliance.
2. Must choose to submit to God, Christ, husband, parent, elders, brethren, teachers, govt., employer.
A. United Churches, Phil. 2:1-4.
1. Can only “be of the same mind” by subjecting ourselves to each other.
2. Yield up a liberty in order to benefit another, 1 Cor. 8:13.
B. Healthy, Godly Families.
1. Instead of divorce: Leadership that serves and subjection that respectfully obeys.
2. Instead of neglect: Surrender self-interest.
3. Rebellious children: Avoided when subjection taught and learned.
C. The Salvation of Others, 1 Pet. 3:1-2.
1. Influence others to yield to authority of Christ when they see you live in subjection.
2. Our willingness to be subject to God’s will on this subject can help save others!
D. Our Own Salvation, Matt. 10:37-39.
-Only by complete subjection to Jesus will we be saved.
We must subject ourselves to God in every way! Jas. 4:7-8