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Scripture Reading: Philippians 2:5-8

Subjection: What and Who

(Part 1)



1.  The independence of our age (borne out of secular humanism) tells us “I am in charge of me”; “Nobody rules over me!” Thus, men reject legitimately constituted authority and despise God.

2.  God’s truth about subjection in the home, society, job, the church is ridiculed, misrepresented, ignored and abused.

  a.  Some use it as a curse to mistreat, Gen. 3:16.

  b.  Some use it as a club to intimidate, cf. 1 Pet. 5:2-3.

  c.  Should see it as a necessity that brings order out of chaos, and blessings to the one who learns it and lives it in his or her life.

3.  We are subject to God; we must submit ourselves to Him by being in subjection in every relation in which He commands it of us.  



  A.  Subjection Defined: Primarily, “to place or arrange under; to subordinate” (Moulton, 419).

    1.  hupotasso: “prim. a military term, to rank under” (Vine, IV:86-87).

      a.  “To subject oneself, to obey, be subject to...”

      b.  The action caused by subjecting: “To retire, withdraw, yield, submit,” to “render obedience, be submissive.”

    2.  Surrender of self-interest, yield personal desires to benefit others.

    3.  Subjection can occur for two reasons:

      a.  Due to an office, work, position or rank that is held: Role.

      b.  A voluntary yielding of love.

  B.  Jesus Exemplified Subjection.

      1.  To the Father, Phil. 2:5-8 (emptied, obedient, cf. Heb. 5:8); Jno. 6:38; 14:28.

      2.  To His brethren, Jno. 13:3-5, 12-17 (ex. of surrendering self-interest and mutual service).

  C.  Without Subjection, Chaos Results, cf. 1 Cor. 14:31-32, 34, 40.



  A.  To God as Our Father, Jas. 4:7; Heb. 12:9.

  B.  To Jesus as Our Lord, Lk. 6:46 (the church, Eph. 1:22-23; 5:24).

  C.  Wives to their Husbands, Col. 3:18; Eph. 5:22-24; 1 Pet. 3:1, 5-6.

    1.  One limitation (Acts 5:29).

    2.  Husband is the head of the wife, must lead with loving service.

    3.  Even if he does not – she is to remain in subjection.

        -cf. evil rulers (1 Pet. 2:13); harsh masters (1 Pet. 2:18); unbelieving husband (1 Pet. 3:1).

    4.  Her submission is the voluntary yielding of love.

      a.  Knowledge and honor, 1 Pet. 3:7 (more service).

      b.  Nourish and cherish, Eph. 5:29 (less problems).

  D.  Children in Subjection to their Parents, Col. 3:20; Lk. 2:51.

  E.  Citizens to their Civil Government, Rom. 13:1; 1 Pet. 2:13-17 (Acts 5:29).

  F.  Servants to their Masters, 1 Pet. 2:18 (employees to employers).

  G.  Women in the Assembly, 1 Cor. 14:34 (1 Tim. 2:11-12).

  H.  Members in Subjection to the Elders, Heb. 13:17.

    1.  Yield to their oversight, surrendering self-interests for unity in truth and the strength of the church.

    2.  Elders are servants of Christ who serve the spiritual needs of the members, (1 Tim. 3:1; 1 Pet. 5:3).

  I.  Brethren to Each Other, Eph. 5:21.

    1.  Defer to each other in honor, Rom. 12:10.

    2.  Serving each other, 1 Pet. 5:5.

  J.  Christians to our Teachers, 1 Cor. 16:15-16 (1 Tim. 4:11; 5:7; 6:2; Titus 2:15).

    1.  Put yourself under obedience; yield to the teaching of truth and to the service the teaching represents (serving God).

    2.  Yield to those who have yielded themselves to your service!



1.  Everyone is placed under authority to someone or something.

2.  The ability to willingly submit to authority is the difference between contentment and resentment, between peace and strife, and between unity and division with God, our brethren, our families and our fellow man.


Part 2