[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]

Part 4:





Continued from Part 3....

  G. Temples And Mormonism.

  1. The importance of temples in the LDS Church. (Chart 34)

The Bible:

- Chart 35 -

      1) God does not dwell in houses made with hands - Acts 7:44-50.

      2) God no longer specifies the place of worship, but rather, the heart & the how of worship - Jno. 4:20-24.

      3) God's temple is His church - Eph. 2:19-22.

      4) Made up of Christians who offer spiritual service to God - 1 Pet. 2:5.

      5) We are God's temple - God dwells with His people - 2 Cor. 6:16.

      6) We must serve God in the true temple (church), not the man-built temples of Mormonism!

    * Noteworthy: Book of Mormon Does Not Contain Any Teaching On Current LDS Temple Work.

    1. Claimed that BOM contains "the fulness of the everlasting gospel" (JS Hist.1:34; D&C 42:12).

    2. Yet, BOM never mentions:

    3. Amazing how much of the "fulness of the everlasting gospel" has had to be amended since it "came forth" through Joseph Smith, Jr.!!

      -The temple of Mormonism is NOT the temple of the Bible!

      -"No Mormon truly believes the Bible, and a true Bible believer cannot be a Mormon!"


  H. LDS Temple Ordinances.

  1. Baptism for the dead.

The Bible:

      1) As to genealogies: 1 Tim. 1:3-4; Titus 3:9 (Don't produce faith, unprofitable, vain - shun).

      2) Chart 20 - One baptism - Eph. 4:5.

      3) 1 Cor. 15:29 - Context of resurrection nullifies vicarious baptism application.

      4) Heb. 9:27 - Gospel is for the living.

      5) If people can be saved in the next life by not hearing the gospel in this life, then do not preach the gospel to them! (Mk. 16:15)

      6) All men everywhere are under God's call to repent - Acts 17:30-31.

         -The baptism of Mormonism is NOT the baptism of the Bible!

         -"No Mormon truly believes the Bible, and a true Bible-believer cannot be a Mormon!"

    2. Temple Marriage / Sealings (D&C 132).

[Point: LDS expect plural marriage in their "celestial kingdom!"]

The Bible:

      1) Marriage ordained for this life - Rom. 7:2; 1 Cor. 7:39.

      2) No marriage in the resurrection - Lk. 20:34-36.

      3) This LDS doctrine has tremendous emotional appeal & persuasion over people!!
-The marriage of Mormonism is NOT the marriage of the Bible!
-"No Mormon truly believes the Bible, and a true Bible believer cannot be a Mormon!"


-(They need to hear "the word of the truth of the gospel," for they have not heard it from the LDS Church! - Col. 1:5).
  A. Preliminary Pointers. Chart 36
    1. Become informed -- Read the Book of Mormon.

    2. Be bold!
    3. A choice must be made: One cannot accept Mormonism and the Bible -- they are incompatible!
  B. Teach Them The Gospel That Everyone Needs To Hear! (Chart 37)


1. We have discovered:

2. We call upon every Mormon to repent of the error of Mormonism and urge them to obey the simple and complete gospel of Jesus Christ (which is found in the New Testament).

[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]