Textual Sermons Power Point Show
Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 17:32-37
(1 Timothy 4:12)
1. Nearly everyone wants to be respected; many do
not appreciate what respect is & what it takes to be worthy of respect.
2. Young people yearn for respect (street law: “Diss me, and you die”). These do not understand that respect is earned – it is not a privilege one can demand from others, but a blessing that results from how we live our lives.
3. Timothy was a young man who stood up for Christ; a man of conviction & devotion.
a. Our respect for Timothy is because of the life he lived, Acts 16:1-2.
b. Paul taught Timothy (& young men & women today) how to be respected, 1 Tim. 4:12.
A. His Brother Scolded His Boldness as Evil, 1 Sam. 17:22, 28-29.
-David was driven by the cause of truth, not the pride of cowardice.
B. King Saul Doubted David’s Ability Due to his Youth, 1 Sam. 17:31-33.
1. Past evidence of David’s faith (lion & bear), 17:34-36.
2. Present evidence of David’s faith in God, not himself, 17:37-40.
C. Goliath Despised David’s Youth, 1 Sam. 17:42-44.
1. Cursed & belittled David: cf. 17:10 & 17:42.
2. Scorned, ridiculed & mocked David.
D. David Withstood Every Criticism & Taunt, & Gave Glory to God, 17:45-47.
1. He did not seek personal glory & acclaim.
2. The greatest is the one who serves others (Mk. 10:43).
E. Young Person: Do not Doubt Your Faith & Ability to Serve God.
1. Have the faith of David & face the foes of faith.
2. Serve unselfishly like Timothy, Phil. 2:19-22.
3. Older brethren: Do not despise youth who are doing the work of the Lord, 1 Cor. 16:10-11.
II. BE AN EXAMPLE, 1 Tim. 4:12. (Pattern to follow)
A. Be an Example to Christians.
1. Your life affects others beyond your friends & age group.
2. You are the future of the church: Your faith & influence is important! (Matt. 5:13-16)
B. Be an Example to those who are not Christians, Titus 2:6-8.
III. SET THE EXAMPLE… (1 Tim. 4:12)
A. In Word, cf. Tit. 2:8 (sound); Eph. 4:29 (not corrupt, needful edification, impart grace to others).
1. Obscenity, profanity, irreverent, godless speech (vulgar jokes, etc.), vain talk, Eph. 5:3-4. (cf. Euphemisms)
2. People do judge you by your words; so does God (Matt. 12:36-37).
B. In Conduct (“manner of life”), 2 Tim. 4:10.
1. Sober-minded (moderate, curbing one’s passions), Titus 2:6-7.
2. Conduct comes from the mind; control your mind! Rom. 12:2
3. You must choose to be different, 1 Pet. 4:3-5.
a. Your good conduct will make criticism baseless, Titus 2:8.
b. Your good conduct can help save others, 1 Pet. 2:11-12.
C. In Love.
1. Love God before everything else (Matt. 22:37; Jno. 14:15); neighbor as yourself (Matt. 22:39), brethren (Rom. 12:10), enemies (Matt. 5:44). Why?
a. Love is the response of the one who knows God, 1 Jno. 4:7-8.
b. So others know you are a Christian, Jno. 13:35.
c. To be like God…to be a mature child of God (Matt. 5:45, 48).
D. In Spirit.
1. Disposition of humility & godliness, of wisdom & fear of God; of fervent service, cf. Jas. 3:13-18; Rom. 12:11.
2. Spirit of respect for your elders (you expose yourself to just criticism when you are disrespectful to your elders), Lev. 19:32; 1 Tim. 5:1-2.
3. Young people: You have a reputation among adults (Prov. 22:1).
E. In Faith.
1. Diligent faith to do God’s will & to please Him, Heb. 11:6.
2. Strong & unwavering faith, Dan. 3:16-18.
3. Your victory in this world is your faith in Christ, 1 Jno. 5:4-5.
F. In Purity, 2 Tim. 2:22.
1. Like Joseph, when Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him (Gen. 39:12).
2. Like Daniel, when those with authority over you propose that you compromise your faith (Dan. 1:5, 8).
3. Do not love the world (1 Jno. 2:15-16):
a. Alcohol & drugs, smoking, sexual immorality, profanity, lewdness of the modern dance, immoral entertainment, music, internet (1 Ths. 5:21-22).
b. Do not violate your conscience, either (Rom. 14:23).
4. How? Put God’s word in your heart, Psa. 119:9-11.
1. Young Timothy was not despised because he had “proven character” (Phil. 2:22): Tried, true & trustworthy.
2. Remember God now, when you are young, so that as you get older you will not be content with forgetting & disobeying God, Eccl. 12:1.
3. By your good example of godliness you will honor God, you will have an effective influence on others, & you will help others honor God.