Scripture Reading: Hebrews 8:4-7
Why the Law of Moses?
1. Understanding the nature and purposes of the covenants of God is key to rightly dividing the word of God, 2 Tim 2:15.
2. Misuse of LOM by Sabbatarians, premillennialists, denominationalists, some brethren (AD 70 doctrine; MDR errors), and others.
3. Our faith in Christ is strengthened by knowing the role of the LOM and properly using it in our lives.
A. Who? Given to the Nation of Israel, Deut 5:1-3.
-A national law for Israel as God prepared to give a Savior to the world, Gen 12:3; Exo 19:5-6 -- Gal 4:4-5.
B. What? Commands, Statutes and Judgments of God, Deut 4:10-14.
C. How long? Temporary Law until Christ Came, Gal 3:19 (16), 24-25.
1. “Added” to the promise until the seed came (Christ).
2. New covenant promised, dedicated and in force, Heb 8:6; 9:15-17.
II. WHAT THE LAW OF MOSES DID (what purposes did it serve?).
A. Taught Israel to Fear God, Deut 4:10.
-God’s word and means for them to survive in the land, Deut 4:40.
B. Identified Sin and its Sinfulness, Rom 7:13.
1. Knowledge of sin, Rom 3:20; 7:7-11.
2. Knowledge of the bondage of sin, Gal 3:22, 10; 4:24.
3. It did not sanction sin, Rom 7:10-12.
C. A Tutor to bring People to Christ, Gal 3:23-25.
1. Tutor (paidagōgos): "a guardian and guide for boys” (Thayer).
a. Guardian with the responsibility for the care and discipline of child.
b. “Among the Greeks and the Romans the name was applied to trustworthy slaves who were charged with the duty of supervising the life and morals of boys belonging to the better class. The boys were not allowed so much as to step out of the house without them before arriving at the age of manhood.” (Thayer)
2. LOM guarded and disciplined the Hebrews:
a. Taught sanctification (purity, holiness), cf. Heb 9:13 (Num 19).
b. Taught obedience, Deut 10:12-13 (27:26).
c. Taught the punishment that sin brings, Lev 18:24-30.
d. Taught the blessings of faith and obedience, Deut 28:1-2, 15.
3. Teach man about sin (Gal. 3:22):
a. Identified sin and warned against it, Rom 3:20; 7:7-11; Gal 3:23 (Rom 11:32).
b. Taught man’s need for redemption, Heb 10:1-3.
c. Shows death is necessary to be redeemed from sin, Heb 9:22.
d. LOM did not provide an adequate sacrifice to forgive sin was not available under the Law of Moses, Heb 10:1-4 (necessary conclusion: LOM could not save sinners).
4. Teach man about the coming Savior, 2 Tim 3:15; Acts 17:2-4.
A. Not for the Sinner’s Salvation / Justification, Rom 3:20-26; Gal 2:21; 3:21. (Inheritance of the promise not by the law, Gal 3:18)
1. Could not “perfect” (complete, finish) sinners, Heb 10:1.
2. Christ and His new covenant do, Heb 10:14-18.
B. Not Our Binding Authority Today, Matt 17:5; Col 2:15-17; Acts 15:10-11.
C. What it Does Today: The LOM is for Our Learning, Rom 15:4.
1. Warnings against sin (1 Cor 10:6, 11).
2. Taught to be patient, Heb 11:13-16.
3. Taught to fear God and wait on Him (hope in, fear), Micah 7:7.
1. With this knowledge of the LOM we understand:
a. Where to go to find how to be saved (Rom 1:16).
b. Where to go to find how to worship God (Jno 4:21-23).
c. Where to go to authorize all things before God (Col 3:17).
d. How to properly use and benefit from the OT (Rom 15:4).
2. Study, know and grow in understanding and proper use of LOM.
3. The New Testament of Christ reveals our salvation and service to God today.