Scripture Reading: John 11:28-37
Why Jesus Wept
(John 11:35)
1. The death of Lazarus:
a. An occasion for God to be glorified and for the Son of God to be honored, Jno. 11:3-6 (40).
b. An occasion for belief, Jno. 11:11-15, 25-26, 40-42, 45.
2. These events assure us that in our darkest moments of sorrow, uncertainty, separation and loss, Jesus cares and comforts us, Heb. 2:14-18. Our faith is buoyed because Jesus knows our pain and struggles and gives us relief, Heb. 4:15-16.
3. Why Jesus wept (and why He still does), Jno. 11:35.
A. Martha: Jesus Refocuses Her Grief Toward Him and the Future, 11:21-27. (Grief comes when we dwell only on the past.)
B. Mary: She Worshiped Jesus Even in Deep Sorrow, 11:32.
1. Neither of them accused Jesus, but they acknowledged He could have changed the course of events.
2. “Your will be done” sustains us in sorrow because we know He does all things well (Mk. 7:37; Rom. 8:31-37), 2 Sam. 12:19-20, 23.
C. Christians do not Sorrow Like the World, 1 Thess. 4:13-14, 18.
-Faith, hope and love secure and nourish us in times of trial and loss.
A. On Jesus, Jno. 11:33-35.
B. On the Jews Who Were Present, Jno. 11:36-37.
1. Saw His love, 11:36 (Rom. 12:15-16).
2. Speculated why Jesus had not prevented Lazarus’ death, 11:37.
C. The Raising of Lazarus, Jno. 11:38-44.
1. Verifiably dead, 11:39.
2. See the glory of God, 11:40.
3. A time of thanksgiving that looks beyond ourselves, 11:41-42 (Jas. 1:2-4).
4. Testify of the humanity and the deity of Jesus, 11:4, 35, 42, 45.
-The resurrection and the life, Jno. 11:25-27.
III. WHY JESUS WEEPS, Jno. 11:33-35.
A. He Weeps Because of What Sin Does to Us All, Gen. 6:5-6; cf. Mk. 3:5 (1-6); Eph. 4:30.
1. Sin separates us from God and His blessings, Gen. 2:16-17; 3:22-23; Isa. 59:1-2; Rom. 6:23.
2. Sin’s burdens, Gen. 3:16-19; Heb. 12:1-2.
3. Sin’s cost:
a. To sinners, Lk. 15:11-17.
b. To Jesus, Lk. 22:41-44.
B. Jesus Weeps Because He Cares When We Hurt (He is touched by our grief).
1. When we are filled with sorrow, Lk. 8:40-42, 49-56.
2. When we are struggling against evil, Lk. 8:26-39.
3. When we are lost in sin, Matt. 18:10-14.
C. Jesus Weeps Even When Sinners Refuse to Repent.
1. He weeps over unbelief, Lk. 19:41 (Matt. 23:37).
2. He weeps over our lost opportunities/refusals to believe, Lk. 19:42; Mk. 8:11-12 (sighed: groan with grief).
3. He weeps over the judgment that surely comes upon sinners who will not repent, Lk. 19:43-44; Ezek. 18:31-32.
1. Is Jesus weeping for you right now (your sorrow, your sin)?
2. Bring rejoicing to heaven by believing, repenting and obeying the Lord, Lk. 15:6-7.
By: Joe R. Price
Posted: September 14, 2018