Topical Sermons 

Power Point Show

Scripture Reading: John 14:1-6

What Does the Future Hold?



1.  Only God knows the end from the beginning, Isa. 46:10.

  a.  None of us know the future, James 4:14 (Eccl. 3:11).

  b.  Yet, men turn to false sources to seek knowledge of the unknown instead of God’s revelation, Deut. 18:10, 14.

2.  Others distort God’s word to prop up their false teachings.

  a.  cf. Trump and the “end times.” (See news articles.)

  b.  Misuse Scripture, cf. Rev. 13:3 - “Trump was wounded, yet survived.” [“The beast could not be killed by a mortal wound; only the Lamb of God when he comes in his power can overcome the beast (19:20).”] (Harkrider, Revelation, 219). Rome, Rev. 13:1 (12, 14).

3.  The Bible does not tell us every future event (cf. Jerusalem’s judgment, Matt. 24:36, 42, 44). But it tells us enough to know that we must always be prepared spiritually for the future, Matt. 25:10-13; James 4:13-15.


I.  THE LAST DAYS (last times, "end times").

  A.  Began on Pentecost, Acts 2:15-17 (Joel 2:28).

  B.  Last Age or Dispensation in Which God:

    1.  Redeems sinners through His Son, 1 Pet. 1:19-21.

    2.  Speaks through His Son, Heb. 1:2.


II.  THE LAST DAY: JESUS CHRIST WILL RETURN, Acts 1:11 (1 Thess. 4:16).

  A.  To Resurrect All the Dead, John 6:39-40; Acts 24:15 (John 5:28-29).

  B.  To Judge Every One of Us, Acts 17:30-31; 2 Cor. 5:10.

    1.  Eternal reward/inheritance, Matt. 25:34; Rev. 21:6-7.

    2.  Eternal punishment/death, Matt. 25:41; Rev. 21:8.

  C.  Destroy the Material World and Usher in the Eternal Dwelling Place, 2 Pet. 3:10, 11-12, 13.

  D.  Not to Establish His Kingdom, But to Deliver It Up, 1 Cor. 15:23-24 (John 14:1-4).



  A.  The Future of the Sinner is Bleak and Fearful, 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Heb. 10:26-27, 31.

  B.  The Future of the Christian is Full of Glory, Col. 3:4 (1 Thess. 5:9-11).



  A.  Do God’s Will Now in View of the Future, James 4:15-17.

    1.  Prepare yourself now (2 Cor. 6:2).

    2.  Become a Christian (be saved from sin), John 8:24; Rom. 10:9-10; Acts 17:30; Mark 16:16.

    3.  Be faithful to remain ready, Col. 3:1-4.



1.  We must be content with God’s revelation of the future (Deut. 29:29).

2.  Our life and hope is not in a political candidate; It is Jesus Christ, Col. 3:4.




Concerning the book of Revelation, it was a symbolic, figurative message of things that would “shortly come to pass” (Rev. 1:1-3). In the face of mounting persecutions, the book of Revelation assured Christians that if they would remain faithful and true to Christ, they would have victory in Him (see the “theme” of the book, Rev. 17:14). So, the scenes and symbols of the book of Revelation (except for Rev. 21-22) have been fulfilled (cf. 1:3).



By: Joe R. Price

Posted July 25, 2024