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Scripture Reading: Psalm 100

Be Thankful



1.  When was the last time you said, “Thank you”? Can you recall the last time you expressed appreciation for some kindness toward you?

2.  It is God’s will that we give thanks in everything, 1 Thess. 5:18. This is as much a command to be obeyed as the commands to repent and be baptized, or our necessity to worship properly (Acts 2:38; Jno. 4:24).

3.  A secularized society is not thankful, Rom. 1:21-22. This leads to more and more ingratitude and the inability to show genuine, sincere thanks to God and to others, 2 Tim. 3:1-5.

4.  Our lives are made better, richer and fuller when we live with thankfulness in our hearts and on our lips, Heb. 13:15.

5.  Our lives are darkened with doubt, worry and sin when we refuse to be thankful, Rom. 1:21.



  A.  The Blessing of Faith.

    1.  Faith in God’s goodness (kindness). Count your many blessings, see what God has done, Psa. 107:1, 8-9, 21-22; 31-32.

    2.  We are the sheep of His pasture, Psa. 79:13. Implies His care of us, calling on us to put our faith in Him, Jno. 10:27-28.

    3.  Without faith we will fail to be thankful for the most precious gift ever given, the sacrifice of the Son of God for us, cf. 2 Cor. 9:15.

  B.  The Blessing of a Joyful Life.

    1.  Rejoicing and thankfulness go together, 1 Thess. 5:16-18.

    2.  Joy and giving thanks go together, Psa. 97:10-12.

      a.  Are you thankful for your job? Eccl. 5:19

      b.  Are you thankful for your wife (husband)? Eccl. 9:9

  C.  The Blessing of a Contented Life, Heb. 13:5.

    1.  Contentment is not a life of ease; it is satisfied in one’s circumstances, whatever they are, Phil. 4:10-13; cf. 2 Cor. 12:9-10.

    2.  Have you ever seen an anxious person expressing thanks in the midst of his/her anxiety? Phil. 4:6

    3.  Thanks breeds optimism, not anxiety, Matt. 6:33-34 (Phil. 4:13).

  D.  The Blessing of Giving, Acts 20:34-35.

    1.  Thankful to be working and providing for self and others.

    2.  Generosity brings unexpected blessings, Prov. 22:9; 21:13.



  A.  Ingratitude Often Repays Good with Evil, Neh. 9:17; Lk. 6:35.

    1.  Thoughtless of God, ingratitude believes it deserves what it gets.

    2.  It is proud and arrogant, instead of being humble and gracious, cf. Lk. 14:11.

  B.  Ingratitude Displays Self-Centeredness, Jas. 3:14-16.

    1.  Ingratitude is selfish, rude and demanding, not generous and thoughtful toward others.

    2.  Thankfulness looks outward; ingratitude looks inward, failing to consider and acknowledge the contributions of others to one’s life.

  C.  Ingratitude is Expressed by Murmuring, Complaining and Bitterness.

    1.  Have you ever seen a complaining person be thankful? No, this person only sees what is wrong, cf. Num. 11:1, 4-6; 21:4-5.

    2.  Do you complain about your lot in life? What about...

      a.  Your job? Be thankful you have one!

      b.  Your health? Be thankful you are alive and have medical treatments available to you.

      c.  Your children? They are a heritage from God, Psa. 127:3.

      d.  Your Christian duties? Blessings bring responsibilities, Phil. 4:4.

      e.  The church? You are a part of it; It belongs to Jesus, not you.

  D.  Ingratitude Views Others with Envy and Jealousy, Gal. 5:20-21.

    1.  Have you ever seen an envious or jealous person who is full of joy and thanksgiving?

    2.  Taste God’s favor in your life to help put away such sinful attitudes and actions, 1 Pet. 2:1-3.



1.  Thanks be to God, who gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 15:57.

2.  Identify someone / something in your life today, and express thanks for him/her/it to God and to that person.

3.  Live with thanks on your heart for everything, and you will see the power of God and your faith in Him at work in your life.




By: Joe R. Price

Posted: October 27, 2016