Topical Studies                                                                                                          Power Point Show

Scripture Reading:  Exodus 12:21-28


December 2003



1.  Exo. 12:26 – Israelite children would ask, “what do you mean by this service” (the Passover)? – Taught them what it was (12:27).

2.  Lk. 22:14-20 – During & after Passover meal, Jesus commanded a different memorial (Matt. 26:26-29).

3.  Vital that we continually ask about the Lord’s Supper & are taught about it from the word of God.


#1:  Where in the Bible does it teach against the use of wine in Communion?


1.  The elements of the Lord’s supper – Matt. 26:26-29.

  a.  Unleavened bread (since this was Passover meal, Matt. 26:17-19 (Exo. 12:8; Num. 9:11).

  b.  Fruit of the vine – lit., “produce of the vine (grape)” – Juice.

2.  Not fermented (leaven-enhanced) wine:

  a.  Definition of the term does not include fermented beverage.

  b.  Occasion of its institution (Passover meal) rules it out.

    1)  Intoxicating drink (wine) prohibited in Scripture (Prov. 20:1; 23:31):  Would Jesus take a prohibited beverage & use it to symbolize His blood?

    2)  Like the bread, the f of the v is free of outside influences & impurities – cf. 1 Cor. 5:7-8.

3.  Objections:

  a.  Availability (couldn’t keep juice fresh) – Not true:

The ancient Roman statesman, Cato, said: “If you wish to have must [grape-juice] all year, put grape-juice in an amphora and seal the cork with pitch; sink it in a fishpond. After 30 days take it out. It will be grape-juice for a whole year” (De Agri Cultura CXX, cited by Wayne Jackson, “Was the Fruit of the Vine Fermented?” Christian Courier, July 11, 2000)

  b.  Common Passover beverage used by 1st cent. Jews was fermented.

    1)  Doesn’t prove anything for us today.

    2)  If they did it violated God-given law (Num. 9:3).  Did Jesus violate?

4.  If we can change f of the v to “wine”, why can’t the Mormons change it to water?  (D&C 27:2)

5.  F of the v perfectly symbolizes the blood of the covenant:  Untarnished by the impurity of sin, offered for the sins of the world – Heb. 9:14.


#2: Suppose there are brethren who are unable to attend Sunday services & partake of the Lord’s supper (sick, elderly, etc.).  Does God’s Word allow for us to take the emblems to each Christian at home individually & serve them there?


1.  There is no Bible authority for this practice.

2.  Why does this view/practice exist:  To help brethren (certainly), but…Does it grow out of elevating the LS above other worship activities?  Or out of a sacramental view of the supper?

3.  LS is an individual responsibility fulfilled in the assembly:

  a.  Acts 20:7 – Disciples “came together” to break bread.

  b.  1 Cor. 11:20, 34 – Come together “in one place”…“to eat”.

4.  Scripture is silent on eating the supper outside the assembly of saints – Col. 3:17; 1 Ths. 5:21.

5.  If it is scriptural to take the supper to individuals at home, etc., then…

  a.  Take the collection plate, the pitch pipe, prayers & the pulpit, too!

  b.  Why have assembled worship at all?  If we are authorized to eat the supper outside the assembly, the assembly becomes unnecessary!

  c.  But, the assembly has purpose – Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 14:26; 16:2.


#3: Is the Christian obligated to eat the Lord’s supper every time the saints assemble on the 1st day of the week?

1.  The answer is “no” for the following reasons…

2.  Nothing suggests the practice in the NT (silence).

3.  If deciding factor is all must eat every time the supper is offered (“together”), then…

  a.  What about when someone arrives late during same assembly & we offer the supper to them?  Must all eat again, too?

  b.  If not, then what is the difference between one who arrives 5 minutes late & the one who arrives 5 hours late?

    1)  Response:  “It’s a new assembly.”

    2)  With that reasoning, we must also pass the collection plate & all give again because “it’s a new assembly.” 

4.  Some commands (including some fulfilled in the assembly), when done once, satisfies one’s responsibility until the next Lord’s Day:

  a.  Giving – 1 Cor. 16:2.

  b.  Lord’s supper – Acts 20:7.

  c.  We have authority to repeat others (prayer, singing, teaching) – cf. 1 Cor. 14:26; Acts 2:42; Eph. 5:19.

5.  Though separated by time & distance, “we all partake of that one bread” (commune with the body & blood of Christ) – 1 Cor. 10:16-17.

  a.  Christians who eat in the morning & others who eat at night are “one body” having communion with the body & blood of Christ.

  b.  1 Cor. 11:33 – This is truly “waiting” for one another (“to receive, accept; to look for, expect, wait for, await”).



1.  The Lord’s supper is a memorial of the sacrifice of Jesus which redeems us from our sins & which dedicated His new covenant (gospel).

2.  We proclaim His death when we eat it (1 Cor. 11:26).  Must “discern the body” of Christ when we eat or we condemn ourselves–1 Cor. 11:27-29.

3.  Our worship is received when offered in spirit & in truth (Jno. 4:24).