Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-3
Thank the Lord for He is Good
(Psalm 107)
1. Psa 103:6-10: The Lord is just, merciful and gracious; punishing sin and pardoning our transgressions.
2. Psa 107: “A SONG of thanksgiving, first for deliverance from the Babylonish captivity (vers. 1-3), and then for other deliverances (vers. 4-32), passing into a general account of God’s providential dealings with mankind, both in the way of chastisement and of lovingkindness, but especially the latter (vers. 33-42).” (Pulpit Comm.)
3. God delivers His people from trials and trouble, and those who are wise consider the blessings and the responsibilities of God’s lovingkindness (mercy and grace), 107:43.
4. We must give thanks to God because He is good!
A. God is Good, 107:1 (106:1; 118:1; 136:1).
1. His nature, His being; Beautiful, best, kind.
2. His goodness is great for those who fear Him, Psa 31:19.
B. God’s Goodness is Actively Shown to Mankind.
1. Goodness retained is not good, cf. 1 Jno 3:16-18.
2. Our sin prompts God to show His goodness in the form of mercy (lovingkindness), Titus 3:3-7 (sin…kindness…grace…salvation…hope of eternal life).
C. We Need God’s Deliverance because of Our Sins,
1. Sin puts us in distress, 107:10-12, 17, 33-34, 39-40.
2. While God is pictured as bringing men low, it is because of their sins that such occurs.
3. Whereas, the righteous are lifted up by God, 107:41.
4. Furthermore, when the wicked cry out to God, He hears and delivers them, 107:2-3, 13-14; 19-20.
D. We Need God’s Deliverance in Life’s Trials, 107:23-32.
1. 107:23-27: Sea merchants see God’s works and wonders, being imperiled and distressed at sea. God saves them.
2. Like them, life puts us under stress and strain, and we need God’s deliverance! Psa 31:19-24 (20)
a. We should see the hand of God as we do our business and daily tasks, (Jas 4:13-15).
b. Trials of illness, job loss, spiritual temptations (Job 2:9).
c. Trust God’s hand to protect, save, sustain us, Heb 13:5-6; Rom 8:31, 35-39.
E. God’s Goodness Prompts Thanksgiving, 107:1 (1 Ths 5:18).
1. Wise observe the goodness of God, Psa. 107:43.
2. Wise and righteous see God’s hand in all things, 107:42-43.
3. Seeing God’s lovingkindness causes the wise to react with thanksgiving, sacrifice, praise and service (107:1, 8-9, 16, 22, 32, 42).
4. We are obliged:
a. To be thankful to God for His goodness! 107:8-9, 15-16, 21-22, 31; Eph 5:19-20.
b. To sacrifice to Him, 107:22; Rom 12:1.
c. To declare His works with joy, 107:22; Acts 5:41.
A. God Delivered Israel from Exile and Prison, 107:3-4, 10-12.
1. From Babylon, Jer 31:7-12 (Israel and the nations are to know it); cf. Ezra 9:7-9.
2. He delivers us from the bondage of sin, cf. Jer 31:31-34 (Heb 8:7-13); Rom 6:17-18.
3. Our deliverance from sin must evoke praise, thanksgiving and faithful service for God’s goodness and mercy! 1 Chrn 16:34-36
B. God Delivers Sinners to the Consequences of their Sins when they Rebel against His Word, 107:10-12, 33-34, 39-40.
1. The soul that sins shall die (Ezek 18:4).
2. God gives them up…, Psa 81:11-12; Rom 1:24, 26, 28.
C. God Delivers Sinners from Harm when they Turn to Him, 107:17-19.
1. Call on His name, Acts 2:21, 37-38, 41.
2. If lost, you need to call on Him immediately! Acts 22:16
A. Observes and Understands God’s lovingkindness, 107:43.
B. Gives Thanks to God, 107:1, 8, 15, 21, 31.
1. The sin of ingratitude will cause many to be lost! 2 Tim 3:2
2. Thanksgiving is shown by humble obedience.
C. Cries Out to God for His Help, 107:6, 13, 19, 28.
1. Lord save us, we are perishing! Matt 8:24-25 (Acts 2:37).
2. Jesus calms the storm, Matt 8:26-27 (Acts 2:38, 41).
3. Grace to help us in time of need, 107:41-42 (Heb 4:15-16).
1. God is good; let us serve Him with thanksgiving.
2. Come to Jesus for deliverance by God’s lovingkindness (mercy and grace).