1. Taught from childhood not to hate others -- Even enemies (Lk. 6:27-28; Matt. 5:43-44).
2. On other hand - Lk. 14:26 (Comparative).
3. Jno. 3:16 - God so loved the world...Yet, God hates sin - Prov. 6:16.
a. Hate - "To hate (personally):-enemy, foe, ...odious" (Strong's Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary, 119).
1) No friendship with - Prov. 3:32.
2) No delight in - Prov. 11:20.
3) "A right feeling of aversion from what is evil" (Vine, II:198). Heb. 1:9
b. Abomination - "Disgusting, an abhorrence" Strong's, 123. Detestable, reprehensible. [Hab. 1:13 - God's holiness] (1 Pet. 1:15-16)
4. Re. Our own sin & the sin around us: Do we hate sin like God does? Should we? How?
I. OUR ATTITUDE TOWARD SIN MUST BE LIKE GOD'S - Psa. 97:10; 119:104; 139:20-24 (pure, absolute, intense hatred).
A. When We Do Not Hate Sin We Do Not Fear Of God - Prov. 8:13; cf. Acts 10:35.
B. Our Hatred Of Sin Reveals Itself In Our Conduct - Jer. 44:4-5.
-Unless we repent of sins / separate ourselves from it, we do not hate it!
C. There Will Be A Corresponding Love For Good - Amos 5:14-15; Rom. 12:9.
- 1 Jno. 5:17; Col. 3:17; Matt. 7:23; Jude 23
A. A True Commitment To Not Love The World - 1 Jno. 2:15-17.
1. Wear modest (decent) dress (1 Tim. 2:9-10) - Shame of indecency - Jer. 8:12.
2. Put away works of flesh (Gal. 5:19-21) - Such conduct is out of the question! Eph. 5:3-5
3. 1 Pet. 4:1-5 - Have the mind of Christ - Cease from sin! No longer the lusts of men...the desire of the Gentiles....
B. Refuse Fellowship With Error & Evil - Psa. 26:1-5.
1. Walk in truth, not evil - Eph. 5:7-11.
2. 2 Cor. 6:14-18 - Come out & be separate!
3. More & more brethren have an aversion to obeying this:
a. Work of the church is added to - Many more look approvingly upon those involved (accept w/o objection).
b. Worship of the church - "No need to make an issue out of it." -(Instru. music, women preachers, etc.).
c. Fellowship w/ the unscripturally remarried & those who teach them to remain in it (Matt. 19:9) - "Let them alone - Can work together." (1 Cor. 5:11) Unity in diversity!
4. 2 Jno. 9-11 - Hatred of sin will compel us to obey this command!
C. A Genuine Aversion To Error - Psa. 101:3.
1. Determination to oppose false teachers - Gal. 2:4-5.
2. Some try to not fellowship sin/error, while silently accepting those who teach &/or practice doctrines of error!
3. Today: "Let brother so and so preach/hold meetings - Just stay silent on the controversial topic!"
-This approach is being taken by some who believe the truth, some who believe false doctrine, & some who will not teach against false doctrine.
4. Rom. 16:17-18 - Mark & avoid those advocating error! WHY?
a. Causes division & stumbling!
b. 2 Tim. 2:16-18 - False teachers identified so their work will not grow!
5. We do not hate error when we allow those who teach error to go unopposed! - 2 Tim. 4:2; Jude 3
1. Some will say this lesson is too narrow, too strict, too judgmental.
2. But, like God, we are to have no friendship with & take no delight in sin - In any of its forms!
3. Like God, there is a "time to hate" (Eccl. 3:8). The time to hate sin is now!