Scripture Reading: Proverbs 31:25-31
A Mother's Love
1. It has been said that “a mother’s love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever” (unknown). Yet---
a. There is evil in this world and a mother’s love is not always “instinctual” (In US over 200 children/yr. killed by their mother, “Mothers who kill their Babies”, Clint Van Sandt,
b. Abortion: Unnatural attempts to make abortion “normal”.
-Ex. Emily’s Abortion Video – A so-called “positive abortion story” by Emily Letts, 25-yr-old abortion counselor at Cherry Hill NJ Women’s Center – “it was right for me and no one else”).
2. Thankfully, most mothers would not dream of killing their children, we must note the mother’s love that pleases God is learned by instruction and admonition, Titus 2:4. (A mother who refuses to be taught will not be a mother or a good teacher of her children!)
3. “A mother loves her children even when they least deserve to be loved.” (Kate Samperi, “Mothers”)
4. The value of a mother’s love cannot be measured in currency, but in the moral character, wisdom and training she gives her children, Prov. 6:20-24.
-“A mother understands what a child does not say.” (Jewish proverb)
A. The Nurturing of a Mother Lasts a Lifetime.
-cf. Mary: From the cradle to the cross, Mary was there.
B. Jochebed: A Mother’s Protection, Exo. 1:22-2:10 (Heb. 11:23).
1. She literally gave to get (gave up her child to save him).
2. A godly mother protects her children from hunger (with food), from ignorance (with truth), from selfishness (with charity), and from unbelief (with obedient faith), Prov. 31:15, 19-22, 25-28.
3. Manage the home and you protect him from loneliness and doubt (1 Tim. 5:14).
4. Teach your child God’s word and you protect him from sin (Psa. 119:9-11).
5. Set example of purity and you protect your child from evil (he learns holiness). cf. 1 Pet. 3:1-4
* CHILDREN: Honor your mother for her protection; listen to her, obey her and be blessed, Prov. 23:22-25; 19:26-27; 30:17.
A. Faith in God is the Center of her Life, Prov. 31:10, 30.
1. She trusts in God before herself, her husband and her children.
2. She follows God’s ways of motherhood, not the latest “fad” and philosophy on child rearing.
B. Hannah: A Mother who was Heard of God, 1 Sam. 1:10-12, 20.
1. Pray always for your children (1 Ths. 5:17; Jgs. 13:8).
2. Prayer shows you trust God to know what is best for your children!
* CHILDREN: Live in a way that brings good answers her prayers. Prov. 17:25, 21; 15:20
-[“No influence is so powerful as that of the mother.” (Sarah Josepha Hale) “A good mother is worth hundreds of schoolmasters.” (George Herbert)]
A. A Mother Prepares her Children for Many Things, Including…
1. For life (remember the first day of school?).
2. For love (by teaching…by showing it).
3. For faith (by living…by example…by teaching).
B. Bible Mothers Who Prepared their Children:
1. Hannah, 1 Sam. 1:23-28; 2:19.
2. Mary, Lk. 2:48, 51-52.
3. Eunice and Lois, 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15 (Acts 16:1-2).
* CHILDREN: Accept your mother’s preparations and thank her for all she does for you! Prov. 1:8-9; Lk. 2:51-52
1. Do not “rob” your mother of the honor she is due for the good things she has done for you. Do not despise her by rejecting the protection, prays and preparations she gives you every day! Prov. 28:24; 30:11
2. We owe our mothers a great debt of honor, respect and love.
3. Honor your mother by being true to Almighty God, who gave motherhood to the world and who gave you your mother.
4. A fool despises his mother, Prov. 15:20.
By: Joe R. Price
Posted: May 9, 2014