Scripture Reading: Romans 15:8-13
Matthew 1: Jesus Christ - Son of David, Son of Abraham
1. Matthew’s gospel primarily to Jews. Links OT and NT; Reflects great themes of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Law, Messiah, kingdom of heaven and prophecies).
2. Central purpose: Bridge message of OT with the gospel, thereby showing fulfillment of OT prophecies in the coming of Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah (king).
a. “Kingdom” (50); “kingdom of heaven” (33); Jesus as “the king” repeatedly; About 40 OT prophetic fulfillments in Matthew.
b. THEME: Jesus, the King of the Jews.
4. Matthew 1: The humanity and deity of Jesus qualify him as Messiah.
A. Why? (Certification of Jesus’ lineage)
1. 1:1: Son of David: Jesus the legitimate heir to David’s throne, 2 Chrn. 23:3 (2 Sam. 7:12-16; Isa. 9:6-7; Jer. 23:5).
2. Jesus is of the right lineage legally to be the Messiah. Luke gives the blood line (Luke 3).
3. Futile to set Jesus forth as Messiah without a legal right to ascend to the throne.
4. Not complete (1:8 leaves out 3 men) – Catalog established legal kinship to David. (3 divisions of 14 gen. a memory technique)
5. Son of Abraham – the promised seed, 1:1 (Gen. 22:18).
B. Other Lessons from this Genealogy:
1. The humanity of Jesus.
a. Jesus was fully human (2 Jno. 7), Jno. 1:14 (Phil. 2:6-7; Heb. 2:14; 5:7).
b. While this list establishes a legal claim, His humanity is implied through out and clearly stated in 1:16.
2. The faithfulness of God.
a. God always keeps His word (Gen. 22:18; 2 Sam. 7:12), Gal. 3:16; 4:4.
b. The purposes of God are secure. Thru centuries, God’s plans were being fulfilled (Acts 2:23; Eph. 1:9-10; 3:11).
A. The Birth of Jesus Christ (1:18):
1. Miraculous: The Son of God, 1:18-20.
a. Joseph not the biological father of Jesus (adoptive).
b. Betrothal: Covenant in the presence of witnesses.
c. Option of death (acc. to the law, Deut. 22:23-24 – not enforced at that time) or put her away, 1:19.
d. Of the Holy Spirit, 1:20; cf. Lk. 1:30-35:
1) King (Messiah), 1:32-33.
2) Miraculous conception, 1:34-35.
3) Son of God, 1:35 (cf. Gal. 4:4).
2. The Savior, 1:21.
a. God acknowledged Joseph as legal father since he would (from all outward appearances) name the child (1:25).
b. “Jesus” (Jehovah is salvation, savior).
c. Future work of child is announced (Lk. 19:10; Jno. 6:38).
3. God with us (fulfilled prophecy), 1:22-23.
a. Virgin birth, Isa. 7:14; cf. 9:6-7 (Matt. 1:16).
b. Brought grace and truth (Jno. 1:14, 17), sacrifice (Phil. 2:5-8) and salvation (Heb. 2:14-18).
4. Joseph was obedient, 1:24-25.
A. His Human Descent and His Miraculous Birth.
B. His Ancestors and Jesus Christ:
1. Temporary (Acts 2:29) – Eternal (God with us, Matt. 1:23).
2. Sinners – Sinless.
3. Earthly – Heavenly (Jno. 8:23).
4. Humans – God with us.
1. Jesus is the prophesied King and the child sent miraculously to earth to save us from our sins.
2. Our faith must always rest in Christ, Rom. 15:8-13.