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Scripture Reading:  Matthew 7:1-6

Judge Righteous Judgment



1.  When the Bible is used to expose sin & error, it is not uncommon to hear the guilty reply that it is wrong to judge them:  Judge not, that you be not judged!

2.  Misunderstand the nature of judging:

    -krino:  “To separate, select, choose”; hence, “to determine,” and so “to judge, pronounce judgment.”  (Vine, 336).  To decide, give a verdict, declare an opinion” (ISBE, III:1777).

3.  Matthew 7:1 does not forbid all types of judgments.  If it does, then Jesus contradicts Himself in John 7:24!

4.  There are some judgments condemned by God, & there are some judgments God Himself calls on us to make.  We have to able to discern the difference so we will judge righteous judgment!


I.   JUDGMENTS WE MUST CEASE (Because God condemns them).

  A.   Hypocritical Judging of Others – Matt. 7:1-5.

      1.   This is the Lord’s point here!

      2.   Harsh, bitter, faultfinding spirit, which points out others’ sins while committing the same sins! – cf. Rom. 2:1-2, 21-22.

      3.   Self-exalting & self-condemning! – 7:2 (Measured back to you, cf. Lk. 6:38).  Example:  Lk. 18:9-12, 14

  B.   Judging by AppearanceJno. 7:24.

      1.   Surface judgments;  Subjective, not based on objective facts.

          a.   Context:  Jno. 7:19-24 – When the day of circumcision (8th day of life, Lev. 12:3) fell of the Sabbath it appeared to break it, but in fact, it did not!

          b.     Same true of Jesus when He healed on Sabbath (Matt. 12:7).

      2.   Judging on the basis of the flesh (worldly standards) – Jno. 8:15.

      3.   1 Sam. 16:6-7 – Since God looks at the heart, we must be careful:  What appears to be one thing may in fact be something else!

      4.   Lk. 7:43 (36-50) – Simon judged appearances rather than fact!

  C.   Rash Judgments – Prov. 18:13 (15:28)

      1.   Paul was a victim of rash rush to judgment – Acts 21:27-29.

      2.   1 Cor. 4:5 – Premature judgments forbidden:  “…secret things, of which it is impossible that those who do not know the hearts of men should make up a judgment, do not judge of them before the time, when God will certainly come to judge all men.”  (Poole, Online Bible)

  D.   Critical Condemnation of Others’ Liberties - Rom. 14:3-4, 10, 13.

      1.   We must be able to allow others to exercise their conscience in areas of authorized liberties without condemning them!

      2.   This is not saying, “do not judge what is sinful,” it is saying do not criticize each other when liberties are used differently!

      3.   A matter of not meddling in the matters of others – 1 Pet. 4:16.



  A.   How? – Jno. 5:30

      1.   Right standard:  Truth, the word of God (What we hear from God, Heb. 1:1-2; Rom. 10:17).

      2.   Right motive:  Seek the will of God (Jno. 6:38).

  B.   There are Judgments We Must Make:

      1.   Judge what is right – Lk. 12:57.

      2.   Judge what is holy (pearls) & what is defiled (swine) – Matt. 7:6.

      3.   Judge the evidence that Jesus is the Son of God – Matt. 16:1-4.

      4.   Judge false teachers – Matt. 7:15-20 – By their fruit (1 Jno. 4:1, 6).

      5.   Judge truth from error – 1 Cor. 2:14-15.

      6.   Judge what sin is and stop sinning – Jno. 8:10-11; Heb. 5:14.

      7.   Judge what is sin among saints, & discipline it – 1 Cor. 5:3-5.

      8.   Judge disputes among brethren – 1 Cor. 6:1-2, 5.

      9.   Judge what is proper – 1 Cor. 11:13.

  C.   When We Use the Right Standard & the Right Motive to Judge, We Are Not Setting Ourselves Up As Judges Jas. 4:11-12.

        -1 Ths. 5:21-22 – We are applying God’s judgments so that we may hold fast to what is good & abstain from every form of sin – And to teach others God’s will on things that “pertain to life & godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3).



1.  We shall all stand before Christ & be judged by Him - Acts 17:31.

2.  We must yield to the judgments of God in our own lives.

3.  We must judge righteous judgments to expose sin & uphold righteousness.