[Part 16]
Intro. 1. Acts 1:1-3 - After His passion (sufferings), Jesus appeared to apostles during the space of 40 days.2. Important time for apostles, as it was a time of joy over Jesus resurrection (Jno. 16:22) & time of anticipating what would happen next (Acts 1:6).
3. For Jesus, it was a time to give proofs of His resurrection & to give His last direct (personal) teaching to apostles about the kingdom of God.
4. Acts 1:3: Two stated purposes of this 40-day period.
A. Jesus Showed Himself To His Apostles - Acts 1:2-3. - cf. Acts 13:31
B. Jesus Showed Himself To Many Disciples:
1. Women - Matt. 28:8-9.
2. Two on the road to Emmaus - Lk. 24:15.
3. Over 500 disciples at once - 1 Cor. 15:6.
4. James, His brother in the flesh - 1 Cor. 15:7.
C. What Kind Of Proofs Did He Give Them Of His Resurrection? (Acts 1:3) - cf. 2 Pet. 1:16
1. Many - Numerous (at least 10 are recorded for us).
2. Infallible (kjv, nkjv) - Undeniable, unmistakable, sure proofs.
a. Saw Him, talked, touched, ate - Lk. 24:36-43.
b. Some were individual appearances - cf. 1 Cor. 15:5, 7.
c. Some were group appearances (1 Cor. 15:6): 2, 7, 10, 11, 500+.
3. How do these appearances affect us?
a. The only way one today can come to believe in resurrection of Jesus is through consideration & acceptance of these proofs [Not: prayer, appearances, feelings, etc.]
b. Jno. 20:30-31 - Written so mankind may believe.
c. Acts 1:3 - Proofs continue to be undeniable today!
d. Testimony from eyewitnesses is abundant - Acts 2:32; 3:15; et al.
e. Jno. 20:29; 1 Pet. 1:8-9 - They produce faith which saves the soul!
A. Jesus Taught Them:
1. The meaning of scriptures related to His mission - Lk. 24:44-46.
a. Fulfillment in Him: Sufferings, death, resurr., exaltation.
b. 24:45 - "He opened their minds" - cf. Lk. 9:44-45; 18:34.
c. How did He do this? -Lk. 24:27 - Explained the scriptures!
2. The message of the forth-coming kingdom (as had been predicted & set forth in the OT) - Lk. 24:47 (cf. Isa. 2:2-3).
a. Repentance & remission of sins.
b. Acts 2:38 - Accomplished, therefore, the kingdom was established, & exists! (cf. Acts 8:12)
3. About their work in the kingdom.
a. Eyewitnesses of His resurrection - Lk. 24:48 (Acts 1:8).
-Jno. 3:11 - They would testify of what they knew was true based upon the proofs Jesus gave them!
b. Preach the gospel to the world - Jno. 20:21; Mk. 16:15.
4. About their devotion to Him in the kingdom.
a. Jno. 21:15-23 - Peters love & work, His devotion & willingness to die for Jesus.
b. Legend is that all except John met violent deaths for sake of Jesus.
5. By correcting a mistaken view of the kingdom & impressing upon them the importance of respecting Gods authority - Acts 1:6-7.
a. v. 6 - Restore: "To set in place, to restore to its former state" - cf. Isa. 49:5-6.
b. Their idea was that of a political kingdom.
c. v. 7 - Things would happen when & how the Father wanted...and they did!
d. v. 8 - With HS guidance, they would teach the true nature of the kingdom (Acts 2:33-36; Restoration of all things, 3:21).
6. By putting them under commandment:
a. Not to leave Jerusalem - Acts 1:4, BUT--
b. Wait for the promise of the Father - Acts 1:4 (Jno. 14:26).
i) Holy Spirit baptism - Acts 1:5 (not many days hence....10 days).
ii) Clothed w/ power from on high - Lk. 24:49 (miracles which attended HS baptism.
7. By commissioning them - Matt. 28:19.
a. Acts 1:8 - After receiving power from heaven they would fulfill this commission (Mk.16:17-20).
b. The message they spoke had (has) the power of God endorsing it!
Conclusion 1. 40-day period marked by great joy, excitement, & anticipation.2. These days were vital to the future of Christianity: The evidence of the resurrected Christ was given as Christ prepared His apostles to preach the gospel of the kingdom to the world.
3. Now, we must each believe & obey Christs offer of salvation and citizenship in His kingdom! - Mk. 16:15-16