1. Lk. 22:52-53 - "But this is your hour, and the power of darkness."
a. The devil totally destroys justice! (So he did w/ the trials of Jesus.)
b. Jesus also exposes the guilt of the people w/this statement.
2. Actually, what we see following Jesus' arrest is a series of trials, designed to incriminate & trump up charges against Jesus with which the Jews could take Him to the Romans for execution.
3. Through it all, Jesus allowed the injustice to occur - for you and me!
I. THE JEWISH TRIALS (Ecclesiastical Trials).
A. First, Before Annas - - Jno. 18:12-14, 19-24.
1. v. 13 - Father-in-law of H. P. , Caiaphas, who had been H. P. from 7-14 AD - Replaced by the Romans (still "pulled the strings" - Lk. 3:2).
2. Jno. 18:19-21 - Purpose: To obtain incriminating evidence from Jesus!
a. Jesus told him all He had done was public!
b. v. 20-23 - Secrecy of hearing; Disregard for justice & legalities!
3. v. 24 - This hearing was unsuccessful, so go to the whole council.
B. Caiaphas And The Sanhedrin Council - Matt. 26:57-68.
1. v. 59-61 - Purpose: Find charges against Jesus to enable execution.
a. Injustice abounds: Sought & found 2 false witnesses (Mk. 14:56-59).
b. v. 62-64 - Judge became prosecuting attorney!
c. v. 65-66 - "Blasphemy! Worthy of death!"
d. v. 67-68 - Spat on/beaten/mocked (Defilement/contempt - Isa. 50:6)
2. They have their false chargeÞ Blasphemy (couldn't take that Romans!).
3. cf. Lk. 22:61-62 - Peter & Jesus.
C. Before The Sanhedrin At Daybreak - Matt. 27:1; Mk. 15:1.
1. Consult together (what to charge Him with before Pilate).
2. 27:2 - So, take Him to Pilate, to seek the death penalty.
D. Injustice Of These Trials - cf. Acts 8:33.
1. His arrest was based upon bribery, not the commission of a crime.
2. Trial held at night (secretive).
3. The court sought false witnesses (No legitimate evidence agsint Him).
4. Jesus was forced to testify against Himself.
5. Judge (high priest) became prosecuting attorney.
6. Beaten during the trial.
7. The jury was prejudiced, being filled with malice & envy (Matt. 27:18).
"It was not a trial, but a plot to murder Jesus." (Hendriksen)
II. THE ROMAN TRIAL (Political Trial).
A. Charged Before Pilate - Lk. 23:1-7; Jno. 18:28-29.
1. 18:30 - "Evildoer" / Lk. 23:2 - General accusation: Treason!
a. Perverting the nation (He tried to raise nation's standards).
b. Forbidding to pay taxes (Lk. 20:22-25).
c. Saying He is a king (cf. His refusal - Jno. 6:15).
2. Jno. 18:31-32 - Sought death penalty (Roman method: crucifixion).
3. Lk. 23:4-5 - "No fault" - More accusations.
4. Lk. 23:6-7 - Sent Jesus to Herod.
B. Before Herod - Lk. 23:8-12.
1. Herod: Prince over Galilee (Lk. 3:1); Beheaded John; Called "fox" (Lk. 13:31-32).
-v. 9-11 - Jesus didn't speak to him; Vehement accusations; Mockery.
C. Back To Pilate.
1. Pilate's finding: Lk. 23:13-15 ("nothing worthy of death").
2. Pilates attempts to release Him:
a. Matt. 27:20-23 - Barabbas (thief, murderer & insurrectionist).
b. Lk. 23:16, 20-22; Jno. 19:1-5 - "Scourge him & let him go" ("crucify him!" - Jno. 19:7-12).
3. Pilates final verdict: Matt. 27:18-19, 24, 26 (Delivered to Jews for crucifixion ("envy" & wifes dream; hand-washing; given over).
A. The Ugliness Of Injustice (God is repulsed by it).
1. Unjust judges rebuked & condemned - cf. Deut. 1:16-18; Psa. 82.
2. Christ establishes justice - Isa. 28:16-17; 61:8!
3. Deal justly with all men! - Phil. 4:8. (Remember trials of Jesus!)
B. How To Endure Injustice - 1 Pet. 2:18-23.
1. With all fear (respect for authority) - 2:18.
2. Conscience toward God - 2:19-20.
a. Endure the grief - Total commitment to obey God is necessary!
b. Take it patiently - Commendable before God. (cf. Rom. 12:14)
c. Example of Jesus - 2:21-23. (Phil. 2:8 - Total commitment to obey)
3. Remember Gods just judgment - 2:23; Rom. 12:17-21.
C. The Persuasive Power Of Sin.
1. Peter - Lk. 22:33, 61-62 - Confidence melted under heat of pressure.
2. Pilate - Jno. 18:38; 19:4, 6, 12, 15-16 - Self-serving interests.
3. The crowd - Matt. 21:9-11; 27:20, 25 (Acts 3:14) - Mob rule.
4. 1 Cor. 10:12 (Matt. 26:41) - Watch & pray - Dont be haughty!
D. The Courage To Do What Is Right - Matt. 27:24.
1. Responsibilty before God & man - Gal. 6:4-5; Rom. 14:11-12.
2. Obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29): Parents, friends, creeds, churches, co-workers, etc. (Lk. 6:46)
1. "By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us" - 1 Jno. 3:16.
2. Who is willing to stand with Jesus and be put on trial by the world?!