Intro.1. Matt. 26:30 - Passover supper completed - Went to the Mt. of Olives.
a. Matt. 26:36 - Gethsemane - Enclosed garden.
b. Jno. 18:2 - Place of resort for Jesus & disciples.
2. In Gethsemane, Jesus experienced great agony & anxiety as He prayed to the Father, exhorted His disciples & presented Himself for arrest. We witness Judas kiss of betrayal, the mob which arrested Jesus & the flight of His disciples.
3. Heb. 5:7-9 - There, Jesus learned & teaches us obedience!
4. Texts: Matt. 26:36-56; Mk. 14:32-52; Lk. 22:39-53; Jno. 18:1-11.
A.He Prayed To The Father - Matt. 26:36-39, 42, 44.
1. His humanity is seen.
a. Sorrowful unto death, troubled, agony - Reflect His thoughts & feelings as He neared death.
b. Lk. 22:44 - Sweat as great drops of blood.
c. v. 39 - Desired to have cup of suffering removed.
d. Jesus was fully man & experienced all the feelings of humanity - Heb. 4:15.
2. See His faith in God - Mk. 14:36.
a. Resolved to do Father's will - Jno. 12:27; 6:38; Phil. 2:8.
b. cf. Our resolve - Josh. 24:15; Jno. 7:17 (Heb. 13:21).
3. He was heard by God - Heb. 5:7-8.
a. Godly fear.
b. Lk. 22:43 - Angel sent to strengthen Him.
c. cf. l Jno. 5:14-15 - God hears His people!
B.He Exhorted His Apostles - Matt. 26:37-41.
1.v. 37-38 - Peter, James & John - "Watch with me."
-(Lk. 22:40 - Also told to pray).
2.v. 40 - Sleeping - Scolded - The need for constancy.
3.v. 41 - Why?
a. 26:31-35 - Impending dangers.
b. Seek divine strength.
4. Lessons: Watch - Be on guard against sin - 1 Pet. 5:8.
Pray - Dependency upon God - 1 Cor. 10:13; Matt. 6:13.
C. He Voluntarily Surrendered - Jno. 18:3-11.
1.v. 4-7 - Openly gave Himself (Jno. 10:17-18).
2.Matt. 26:51-54 - Prohibited violence - Knew God's will & freely obeyed Him!
3.Jno. 18:8-9 - Protected His disciples.
4.Lk. 22:50-51 - Healed ear of Malchus Þ No hatred!
II. JUDAS: FRIEND TURNED BETRAYER - Matt. 26:49-50; Psa. 41:9.
A. Judas Leads The Mob - Jno. 18:3.
1. Received soldiers & temples officers to go, arrest Jesus.
2. Mk. 14:10-11- Sought convenience - Cover of darkness gave it.
3. cf. Jno. 3:19-21 - Sinners love "darkness" to hide evil works.
B. The Deed Is Done.
1. Mk. 14:44 - Kiss to identify Jesus.
2. Mk. 14:44 - "Safely" - Judas may have had a false impression on what would happen to Jesus - cf. Matt. 27:3-4, ff.
3. Judas end was one of shame & suicide.
4. Lessons:
a. Do not betray Jesus with a kiss! (Doctrine, immorality, etc.)
b. We must carefully weigh the consequences of our actions! - cf. Matt. 5:13-16.
A. Predicted By Jesus.
1. Matt. 26:31 - Fulfilled Zech. 13:7.
2. Jno. 16:30-32 - Statement of faith tempered with reality of what was about to happen!
a. In the face of tribulation, they would desert Jesus.
b. Yet - cf. Matt. 26:32 - Hope extended to them.
c. Later - cf. Acts 5:41.
3. Is our faith ready to stand the test? - 1 Cor. 10:12; Heb. 10:36-39. (Or do we "scatter" when tried by sin, error, the world?)
4. Our faith should grow from where it is now! - 2 Pet. 1:5-8.
1. Jesus was ready to be obedient unto death - Phil. 2:8.
2. He learned obedience thru these events (Heb. 5:8), & became the one who gives salvation to the obedient (Heb. 5:9).
3. Wont you go to Gethsemane with Jesus & do the Fathers will?!