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Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:25-29

The Godly Husband



1.  God has given husbands and wives distinct roles and responses that will produce successful marriages, Gen. 2:23-24. These roles identify functions in marriage; they do not rate one’s value in the marriage.

2.  Identifying roles in marriage is rejected by the “enlightened” ones of today’s culture. [“Stay-at-home” husbands; Effort to “modernize gender roles” in the home.]

3.  Marriage is not a 50%/50% relationship but a 100%/100% one: Each partner has distinct roles, responsibilities, and contributions. Knowing this is vital to a successful and harmonious marriage.

4.  When roles are confused, the very foundation of marriage is weakened and will be destroyed. It is crucial to understand and embrace the God-given roles of husbands and wives for a strong and God-approved marriage (Heb. 13:4).



  A.  His Essential Function is to be the Servant Leader of the Home.

    1.  Christ is head (leader) of His body (church, Eph. 1:22). He loves church supremely, Eph. 5:25-29.

    2.  Husband is head (leader) of his wife; Loves her supremely.

    3.  The husband’s role is not a position denoting superiority but a function that demands work.

    4.  Head functions out of love for the body, Eph. 5:25-29; 5:33.

  B.  The Godly Husband Patterns His Leadership After Christ’s Leadership, Mark 10:42-45. Jesus was a Servant-Leader.

    1.  Jesus’s leadership (rule): SERVICE – SACRIFICE – SALVATION (unselfish, not pleasing Himself, Rom. 15:3; Phil. 2:5-8).

    2.  Gentiles’ leadership: Lord it over–Wield power–Be served.

    3.  Husband’s leadership: Not, “Woman, do what I say!” approach.

      a.  Be “great” (megas): Be a servant (diakonos, attendant, waiter).

      b.  Be “first” (protos: first in rank, influence, honor): Be a slave (one who gives himself up to another’s will; disregard of self, devoted to another to the disregard of one’s own interests).

  C.  Being a Servant-Leader Does Not Mean (Prov. 11:29) . . .

    1.  Becoming a lording leader who makes all decisions himself or selfishly controls others so he can meet his own needs.

    2.  The wife never gives him advice and counsel, etc.

  D.  Being a Godly Servant-Leader Means . . .

    1.  He takes overall responsibility to direct and oversee the family (physically, spiritually, morally, 1 Tim. 5:8; Eph. 6:4).

    2.  He serves the needs of his wife and family (takes consideration, unselfishness, diligent attention).

    3.  He cherishes his wife, so she is physically secure and spiritually safe, Eph. 5:29.

    4.  He denies himself and gives himself to his wife and family.

    5.  He takes the initiative in the home (cf. 1 Tim. 3:4):

      a.  To be the spiritual leader: Prayer, worship, teach God’s word, discipline, Eph. 6:4; Heb. 12:9.

      b.  To see that finances are in order, needs met, family is secure.

      c.  Resolve conflicts and enhance godliness.

    6.  Makes it easier for your wife to follow your lead, Psalm 128:1-4.



1.  Ultimately, the husband’s headship is an issue between him and the Lord, cf. 1 Tim. 5:8. (Accountable to the Lord.)

2.  Wife responds to husband’s headship with respectful submission, Eph. 5:22-24; 1 Pet. 3:1-2 (5-6); Titus 2:5.

3.  Husband’s love is to be like Christ, Eph. 5:25-29:

  a.  Sacrificial (25).

  b.  Beneficial for her wellbeing (26-27).

  c.  Cherish as his own body (28-29).



By: Joe R. Price

Posted June 28, 2024