Textual Sermons

1 Thess. 2

1. The gospel had borne fruit in Thessalonica - 2:1.
2. Persecuting parties were evidently attacking Paul's credibility - 2:3, 5. Saying he had duped them / Exploited them…then fled!
3. 1 Ths. 2:1-2 - Elaboration of 1:5. In it, we learn about how the apostle exhorted others.
4. EXHORT - to urge one to pursue some course of conduct; always prospective, looking to the future.] Persuasion.
5. Times when we all need exhortation, & times when we have opportunity to give exhortation to others. How are we doing? Do we exhort the way the apostle did?

  A. Exhort Without Fear - v.2; cf. Eph.6:19-20.
    1. Paul did not allow fears to keep him from exhorting (speaking the gospel)!
    2. Fear can keep us from exhorting! Fear rejection / misunderstood / difficulties / hurt feelings, etc.
    3. Fear hinders effective exhortation! - cf. 2 Tim. 1:7 (Matt. 10:28).
  B. Put Away All Evil Motives - v. 3-6.
    1. Error - v. 3 (deceit, kjv) - "To go astray, wander about" (Jude 13).
      a. Error resulting from evil intentions.
      b. Our exhortation must be w/ truth, not error! - 2 Tim. 4:2.
    2. Uncleanness - v. 3 - In thought or conduct.
      a. Our exhortation must come from - and reflect - purity - cf. v.10.
      b. 1 Ths. 4:3, 7 - Whenever we are encouraged / encouraging unclean conduct - not from God!
    3. Guile - v. 3 - "A bait, snare;" Lure.
      a. Don't exhort in order to "lay a trap" - Take advantage of people!
      b. Approach exhortation with straightforwardness - cf. Rom. 16:18.
    4. Pleasing men - v. 4 (v. 6); Gal. 1:10; 4:16
      a. Give exhortation which is needed, not necessarily what one wants to hear!
      b. Don't change exhortation in order to be accepted by others.
    5. Flattery - v. 5 - Using words "not simply as an effort to give pleasure, but w/ motives of self-interest." Attempt to gain an advantage - Jer. 9:8.
    6. Covetousness - v. 6 - Greedy desire.
      a. Cloak - A pretext, a false front.
      b. Not as a means to a selfish end.
    7. By being burdensome - v. 6 - Throwing your weight around (cf. 2 Cor. 13:10).
      a. Negative reactions / Resentments.
      b. Do best to avoid defensive reactions.

  A. Please God - v. 4; Gal. 1:10; 2 Cor. 5:9.
    1. v. 4 - God proves our hearts - He knows our motives!
    2. Using gospel to persuade holy conduct!
  B. Exhibiting Gentleness - v. 7-8; 2 Tim. 2:24.
    1. "Mild" - Tender care (Nurse with her child).
    2. Our care for the person(s) we are exhorting must come through!
      a. v. 8 - Affectionately desirous - Strong yearning.
      b. v. 8 - By giving ourselves!
  C. Holy, Righteous & Blameless - v. 10.
    1. Conduct / exhortation based upon these attributes.
      a. Holy - Pure from evil motives.
      b. Righteous - Just, upright.
      c. Blameless - Above reproach.
  D. Exhort In What Is Really Needed - v. 11-12.
    1. Father - Provides needed things (Gen. 45:8; Job 29:16).
    2. Exhortation from gospel is most needed - v. 2, 4, 8, 9.

1. v. 12 - Goal of our exhortation - Worthy walk in the kingdom & glory of God!
2. Acts 14:23; 1 Tim. 4:13 - Give ourselves to the work of exhortation!