Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1:3-10
The Church: The Fullness of Christ
(Ephesians 1)
1. The church of Christ is vitally important, Matt. 16:18; Acts 20:28; Eph. 1:22-23; 5:23; 3:10-11; 3:21.
2. The NT teaching of the church is rejected by denominationalism; individualism and worldliness.
3. Ephesians: The glorious church.
a. Eph. 1-3: Our wealth in Christ (1:3,23; 3:21).
b. Eph. 4-6: Our walk in Christ (4:1).
4. The church of Christ is the fullness of Christ, Eph. 1:22-23:
a. “That which fills up; full measure, entire contents...complete attainment...full development, plenitude" (Moulton, 329).
b. cf. The fullness of Godhead bodily, Col. 2:9.
c. All things are summed up in Christ, Eph. 1:10.
5. Therefore, a person will only find Christ’s salvation in His church.
A. All Spiritual Blessings are “in Christ”, 1:3.
1. Only Christians are “in Christ”, 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 3:27.
2. Only Christians (saved) are added to the church, Acts 2:47.
3. Only those in Christ (members of His church) have spiritual blessings.
B. All Spiritual Blessings are in the “Heavenly Places” in Christ, 1:3.
-[Heaven itself, 1:20; realm of spiritual forces, 6:12; spiritual realities, 1:3; 2:6 (heavenly Jerusalem, Heb. 12:22; Phil. 3:20)]
1. Christians sit in heavenly places in Christ, Eph. 2:6.
2. Thus, Christians (members of the church) have spir. blessings.
C. A Summary of the Blessings in Christ (His Church), 1:4-14.
1. Chosen (1:4): “To pick out, to choose, to make a choice” (Vine).
a. Before creation; Salvation is no accident.
b. Whosoever will, Acts 2:21; 10:34-35.
c. Purpose: Holy and without blemish (5:27).
2. Predestined (foreordained) to adoption, 1:5.
a. God “set a boundary, marked out definitely” (Thayer) that through Christ men would become sons of God.
b. New birth / Heirs, Gal. 3:26-29; 1 Jno. 3:1.
3. Grace is abundantly given, 1:6-8.
a. In Christ we are compassed about with God’s favor.
b. Sinners need grace, and it abounds.
4. Redemption through His blood, 1:7.
a. A buying back, payment of a ransom; Jesus died in our place.
b. Water baptism into His death (benefits), Rom. 6:3; Acts 22:16.
5. Revelation of the divine purposes, 1:9-10.
-Gospel preached (all truth) is summed up in Christ, Col. 1:27-28.
6. Obtain an inheritance (“made a heritage”, ASV), 1:11.
a. “To choose by lot.” We are God's possession, 1:14.
b. Chosen acc. to His purpose to have an inheritance [heirs, 1:5].
1) Both Jews and Gentiles praise God, 1:12-13.
2) Inheritance is through the gospel, 1:13 (Acts 20:32).
7. Sealed with the Holy Spirit, 1:13-14.
a. Ownership: Stamp of approval.
b. Security (earnest): That we are God's possession and heir, and that God will eternally reward us, Rom. 8:16-17.
A. Understanding the Will of Christ is Vital to Faithfulness, 1:17-19.
1. Wisdom and revelation in knowledge, 1:17.
2. Eyes of heart enlightened, 1:18.
3. To perceive: Our hope (2:12; 4:4), our rich inheritance (3:6) and the power of God in our lives (3:20).
4. Without this perception we are not thankful and we will fail to grow in faith and love (1:15).
B. The Power of God in Our Lives is the Power that...
1. Raised and exalted Christ, 1:20.
2. Gave Christ all authority (above all powers), 1:21-22.
3. Gives all blessings to Christ’s church, 1:23 (3).
4. We have the power of God in our lives, 1:19; 3:16-17.
1. Unless you are in Christ's church you do not have spiritual blessings, Eph. 1:3, 23; 2:1.
2. To be blessed in Christ you must obey His gospel.
3. As Christians we must grow in our appreciation for all our blessings in Christ.
By: Joe R. Price
Posted: January 3, 2013