Scripture Reading: Genesis 7:5-16
God Shut the Door
1. The longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, 1 Pet 3:20.
a. By faith Noah built the ark, gathered provisions and arranged the animals while the people of the world lived in defiance and disobedience of God, Gen 6:5, 9-12, 22.
b. When Noah and family entered it was God (not Noah) shut the door. Thus, God saved Noah and family and sentenced every sinner to death, Gen 7:16-24.
2. When we preach and practice the truth of the gospel we are accused of “judging people” and “keeping people out of heaven” (watchdogs, guardians of the orthodoxy, etc.).
3. When the truth is faithfully preached and practiced, God opens the door to the place of spiritual and eternal safety; and God closes the door on those who do not obey Him in faith. (Heb 11:7)
A. Sinners will be Punished for their Sins, Gen 6:11-13; Ro 2:2, 5-11.
B. God Provides a Way of Escape from the Eternal Punishment of Sin
C. God is Gracious to those who Walk with Him, Gen 6:9, 22-7:1; Heb 11:7 (cf. Eph 2:10).
D. God (not Noah) Judged Who went into the Ark and Who Perished.
E. There is No Partiality with God, Gen 7:23 (Rom 2:11).
A. When we Preach/Practice the Plan of Salvation, Mk 16:15-16; Acts 2:38.
1. Charged with closing the door of heaven to good, moral and sincere people (“You are condemning them to hell!”)
2. Good, moral and sincere person was lost, Acts 10:1-2, 22; 11:14 (15:7-9).
* 3. It is God who opens the door of salvation to all who believe and obey, and it is God who shuts the door on all who are yet in sin.
B. When we Preach/Practice the Gospel Teaching of One True Church, Matt 16:18; Eph 1:21-22; 4:4.
1. Charged with closing the door of heaven to all the churches by opposing denominationalism. (“You think yours is the only right church”, etc.)
2. Christ built His church free of denominationalism; Men have built their churches.
* 3. It is God who opens the door of His church, and it is God who shuts all the doors of false churches from eternal blessings, cf. Matt 16:19; Acts 2:41, 47; Eph 5:23.
C. When we Preach/Practice the Benevolent Work of Local Church.
1. Needy saints is the pattern in the NT, Acts 11:27-30, et al.
2. Charged with not caring for orphans and widows when the church does not fund orphanages.
3. Charged with not caring for the homeless and hungry when we do not have a “food bank” for the community.
* 4. It is God who opens the door of the church’s work in benevolence, and it is God who shuts the door to all other innovations.
D. When we Preach/Practice the Word of Christ on Divorce and Remarriage, Matt 19:9; 5:32 (1 Cor 7:10-11).
1. Charged with not forgiving the guilty fornicator because he/she must cease adulterous remarriage and live single, Matt 19:10-12. (“Forbidding marriage and commanding divorce”!)
* 2. It is God who opens the door of remarriage to the one who puts away a fornicator, and it is God who shuts the door to all others who remarry (except due to death)! (Heb 13:4)
E. When we Preach/Practice Christ’s Teaching on Fellowship, 2 Jno 9-11 (2 Cor 6:14-7:1).
1. Charged with unrighteous judgment when we do not accept all faiths, all creeds, all doctrines and all practices.
2. Charged with being unloving, unkind and judgmental when we will not have fellowship with brethren in their errors.
* 3. Is it God who opens the door of fellowship to all who abide in Christ, and it is God who shuts the door to all who go beyond.
1. Jesus used the days of Noah as a reference point for “the days of the Son of Man” Lk. 17:26-27 (30) (judgment against Jerusalem’s sins).
2. Where will you be when God shuts the door at the Judgment Day?
a. In the ark of safety; saved by grace through faith, or
b. In the world of sin, to die forever in punishment for your sins?
3. Heaven’s door is now open: will you enter? (Matt 7:13-14, 21-23)