Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:25-32
Christians Should Be Good Communicators
1. Good communication is crucial to good relations:
a. Marriage, Eph. 5:24-25.
b. Parents-children, Eph. 6:1-4.
c. Employer-employee, Eph. 6:5-9.
d. God-people (revelation of truth) | People-God (prayer), Heb. 1:2; Phil. 4:6.
e. Brethren in the church, Eph. 4:15; Rom. 12:4-8.
2. We must work to improve ourselves as communicators, Eph. 4:29-32.
3. Marks of a good communicator from Proverbs.
A Good Communicator Will:
· Prov. 10:11...........Try to help rather than be cruel with words
-Soft answer v. harsh words, 15:1-2
· Prov. 10:12-13......Speak from a good understanding of his/her topic, people, etc., Phil. 1:9-11
-Not from hot emotions, defensiveness, etc. that inflame, Eph. 4:31
· Prov. 10:14..........Speak from knowledge (of God’s truth)
-Allows for patience and longsuffering with others, Col. 1:9-11
-Must be done humbly and with the love of God, 1 Cor. 8:1-3
· Prov. 10:18..........Not be deceptive with his words
-Integrity and honesty are hallmarks of productive communication
-Anything less has an (unseemly, evil) agenda, Eph. 4:29
· Prov. 10:19..........Be judicious with his words
-Big part of communicating is listening, James 1:19-20
-Wisdom restraints the tongue from sparking disasters, James 3:5
· Prov. 10:20..........Reflect his (upright) heart as he speaks
-Recognizes his/her words reflect the heart, and so seeks to
communicate righteous qualities (honesty, truth, peace, and love),
Tim. 2:24-26
· Prov. 10:21..........Have the welfare of his listener(s) in mind
-Grace is on this person’s lips, Col. 4:6
-To spread blessing of knowledge, Prov. 15:7
· Prov. 25:11........Meets the needs of others with careful words
-Properly spoken: Timely, appropriate, cf. Eph. 4:15
· Prov. 25:12........Speak helpful words
-Faithful wounds of a friend better than false flattery, Prov. 27:6
· Prov. 25:13........Be reliable in counsel and trustworthy of others
-The “telephone” game does not describe the effective communicator
-He bears true testimony, dependable, his word is his bond, James 5:12
· Prov. 25:14..........Not exaggerate in order to advance himself in the sight of others
-He is not a “know it all” (Job 12:1-2) | Humbly helps without seeking acclaim
· Prov. 26:17..........Know when not to speak
-He is not arrogant to think he must be the arbiter of every dispute
-Not a meddler (busybody) in other people’s matters, 1 Pet. 4:15
· Prov. 26:18-19.....Know that inappropriate humor hinders communication
-He is not crude and tactless – saying, “that’s just the way I am!” Eph. 5:3-4
· Prov. 26:20-22.....not tell tales, but will speak to the person who needs to hear his words
-Will not be hypocritical with others
-Oh, how we need this trait! Matt. 5:23-25; 18:15
· Prov. 26:23-28.....not use deceptive, flattering words
-Wicked (false teachers) disguise their motives with smooth words, Rom. 16:17-18; 2 Pet. 2:3
· James 3:1-6..........Exercise self-control, knowing the power of words and accountability for them (Matt. 12:36-37)
-Thinks before speaking, for what is said will teach something (1)
-Strives to be mature in word (2) and control them for good (8)
1. God is the Great Communicator, Heb. 1:1-2.
2. Should we not imitate His heart and His words, and speak truth without anger and corruption, but with grace and kindness? Eph. 4:25-32
By: Joe R. Price
Posted August 13, 2019