Topical Sermons Power Point Show
Scripture Reading: Genesis 50:22-26
1. People of faith continue to speak & influence us from beyond
the grave, Heb. 11:4.
2. Joseph, a son of Israel, a remarkable man of faith.
I. THE BONES OF JOSEPH (Heb. 11:22; Gen. 50:25; Exo. 13:19; Josh. 24:32).
A. Joseph had Faith in God’s Promise, Heb. 11:22; Gen. 50:24-26.
1. God gave His word, cf. Gen. 48:21 (46:3-4).
2. Jacob (Israel) gave land to Joseph, Gen. 48:21-22 (Jno. 4:5-6).
-(Where Joseph was buried, Josh. 24:32, near Jacob’s well.)
3. God has promised us a land; heaven, Phil. 3:20 (Heb. 11:16).
B. Joseph’s Faith Urged Israel to have Patience & Endure, Gen. 50:25: “God will surely visit you.”
1. Hundreds of years passed before fulfillment! (Exo. 12:40-41)
2. In the meantime, terrible burden of slavery (Exo. 1:11-14).
3. Israel remembered God’s word (promises), & God remembered His promises to them, Exo. 2:23-25.
4. Heb. 6:12: Through faith & patience, we inherit the promises!
a. The time of testing can be long; & the trials of our faith, harsh, 1 Pet. 3:13-17; Matt. 10:22 (Gal. 5:7); Jas. 1:12.
b. We must remember God’s word & His promises to us, Titus 1:1-3; 2 Pet. 1:2-4.
5. God’s promises to us include…
a. Savior & salvation (Acts 13:23, 32-33; 2:39).
b. Eternal life, Titus 1:2 (1 Jno. 2:25).
c. Not to forsake us (Heb. 13:5-6).
d. All spiritual blessings (prayer, provisions, etc.), Eph. 1:3.
e. An inheritance (heaven), Gal. 3:29 (Rom. 8:17).
6. God always remembers us; we must endure, Heb. 6:9-12; Heb. 10:36-39
C. Faith Requires Obedience to be Complete, Exo. 13:19.
1. Israel had to remember God’s promise & their oath to Joseph to take his bones with them out of Egypt (Gen. 50:25).
2. Bones of Joseph carried victoriously through the Red Sea to the glory of Mt. Sinai. There at the shame of the golden calf & when Israel repeatedly tested God…wilderness wanderings…death of Aaron…victories east of Jordan…death of Moses…conquest of Canaan before being buried at Shechem (Josh. 24:32).
3. Faith compels us to remember God’s word & our “oath” to obey Him, Heb. 8:10-12.
a. Not to turn back to things that can never save us, Gal. 4:8-9.
b. Will not be made perfect (complete, whole) in faith by turning back to the flesh, Gal. 3:1-9 (3); Eph. 4:20-24.
4. Obedient faith saves, Jas. 2:17-18, 24.
D. Obedient Faith Assures our Hope, Heb. 11:1.
1. Bones of Joseph a memorial to the faithfulness of God.
2. Joseph was sure of God’s promises, & so he put Israel under oath (Exo. 13:19).
3. Hope is desire plus expectation, Heb. 6:18.
a. Desire: “...set before us”
b. Expectation: God cannot lie, therefore, “lay hold of the hope…”
4. No disappointment in hope, Rom. 5:3-5.
a. Joseph did not despair in death – He lived & died in hope!
b. We must live in hope & die in faith (Heb. 11:13), unashamed of God’s promises & of our expectant desire to receive them in Christ.
1. The dead bones of Joseph testify to a living faith in this man of faith.
2. Near where his bones had long since returned to the dust, Jesus spoke of living water that gives everlasting life, Jno. 4:5, 12.
3. The bones of Joseph teach us to have faith in the promises of God (who always fulfill His word), patience as God accomplishes His will in us (Phil. 2:12-13), obedience to do the will of God, & hope that anchors our soul (Heb. 6:19).