Topical Sermons Power Point Show
Scripture Reading: Colossians 2:18-23
(Part 3)
God Has Spoken: A Study of Bible Authority
[False (Human) Sources of Authority]
Matt. 21:25:
Heaven: Father-Son-HS-Apostles-Word (NT).
2. Man as source of authority, Col. 2:8, 18-23:
a. Dogma: “an authoritative conclusion, a binding proposition.”
b. “According to the commandments & doctrines of men” (2:22):
1) Deprive of heavenly reward, 2:18.
2) Deceptive source of knowledge, 2:18.
3) Not holding fast to Christ…growth is not “from God”, 2:19.
4) Perishable (subject to corruption), 2:20-22 (cf. 1 Pet. 1:22-23).
5) False appearances of wisdom, 2:23.
6) Fails to conquer the flesh, 2:23.
3. Men have developed many rationales that serve to satisfy millions that their religious & moral actions are authorized by God when in truth, God rejects them, Matt. 7:21-23. (Examine some of these.)
I. IT WORKS: The end justifies the means.
1. Do evil that good may come, Rom. 3:5-8.
a. “You can’t argue with success!” (Whose definition of success?)
b. Such reasoning is condemned by God, Rom. 10:1-3.
2. Saul & the Amalekites (1 Sam. 15): God’s command, 15:3; Saul’s confidence, 15:13; “It worked”, 15:15; Saul’s rationalization; 15:19-21; God’s judgment; 15:22-23.
3. Do you want to base your salvation on the same logic Saul used?
II. TRADITION: It has been practiced for so long.
1. Human tradition does not establish divine commands, Mk. 7:1-13.
2. Tradition is wrong: When given binding power (7:4, 8) & when it nullifies God’s commands (7:13).
3. By binding the tradition they were rejecting God’s commands.
4. Elevates human decisions above God’s law.
III. THE SILENCE OF THE BIBLE: The Bible doesn’t say not to.
1. Be content with what Christ has revealed, 2 Jno. 9 (Deut. 29:29).
2. Heb. 7:12-14: If proper standard of authority, men of Judah could be priests under the law of Moses; “Moses spoke nothing” – not approved.
a. God said what He wanted (Levi…sons of Aaron), Num. 3:10.
b. Silence does not give consent!
IV. NUMBERS: Surely so many people cannot be wrong.
1. Jesus says the majority is wrong, Matt. 7:13-14.
2. Once, entire human race was wrong (except 8), Gen. 6:5-6.
3. Only 2 out of millions entered Promised Land, Num. 14:28-30.
4. It was the majority that crucified Jesus.
5. This view bases salvation upon man, pure & simple.
V. LITTLE THINGS: Those issues are not important; and/or, If I do some important things right, these other things won’t matter.
1. Did belief make up for not confessing Jesus? Jno. 12:42-43
2. Did their good make up for their lie? Acts 5:1-4
3. Did God misunderstand? Ezek. 18:21-24 (Must live by all of God’s word; if we sin our good does not eliminate judgment.)
4. Uzzah kept the ark from falling; why didn’t his good outweigh this one “little thing”? 2 Sam. 6:6-7 (1 Chrn. 15:13-15)
5. Anything done without God’s approval is a big thing; it is sin.
VI. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES’S: They are doing it and so can we.
1. Not content with God’s way, 1 Sam. 8:4-7, 19-20.
2. “Look at what the denominations are doing…we have to be like them or we won’t survive.” (cf. Rev. 3:1-3)
VII. EMOTIONS: It makes you feel good, so it must be right.
1. That is a description of justifying sin, Heb. 11:25 (Jas. 4:3).
2. For something to seem right doesn’t make it right (Prov. 14:12; 28:26).
VIII. LOSING TOUCH WITH REALITY: I’d rather do it wrong than do nothing.
1. Would this logic work in sports? 2 Tim. 2:5
2. Another alternative: Do God’s work in God’s way (1 Cor. 15:58).
1. Every human source of authority puts greater value on man’s thoughts, desires, emotions, etc., than on what God says.
2. NT is our authority; we must have NT authority for every belief, teaching & practice to be right with God; & give it up to be right.