And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
Volume 22, Number
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In this issue:
Baptism is Essential for Salvation Is water baptism essential for salvation from sins? Mark 16:16 says “yes.” Therefore, one is not saved until he or she is baptized. Must a sinner be baptized to obtain the remission of sins? Acts 2:38 says “yes.” Therefore, sins are not remitted until one is baptized “in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.” Does baptism put a sinner into Christ? Romans 6:3 says “yes.” Therefore, one is outside of Christ, without a saved relationship with Christ until one is baptized into Christ. Does baptism bring one into contact with the death of Jesus? Romans 6:3 says “yes.” Therefore, until one is baptized he or she is still lost and without the atoning power of the blood of Jesus. Must a sinner be immersed in water to wash away his sins? Acts 22:16 says “yes.” Therefore, sins are not washed away by Christ until one calls on the name of the Lord through baptism. Does the sinner die to sin when he or she is baptized? Romans 6:4 says “yes.” Therefore, one is still dead in sin and not alive in Christ until baptism occurs. Is baptism the moment when a believer puts on Christ? Galatians 3:27 says “yes.” Therefore, faith does not put a sinner in Christ. The sinner puts on Christ by being baptized into Christ. Does baptism save us? 1 Peter 3:21 says “yes.” Therefore, the sinner is lost until he or she is baptized to be saved. We plead with you to accept these clear Bible passages that establish the necessity of water baptism for salvation. The Bible does not speak of accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and then scheduling your baptism later to celebrate your new life. In the Bible, baptism was immediate, and for good reason (Acts 16:33; Acts 8:36-38). The sinner is dead in sin and without a “new life” in Christ until baptism occurs (Rom. 6:4; Jno. 3:3-5).
The command has
gone out from Christ to be baptized for salvation (Mk. 16:15-16; Acts
10:48). Faith in Christ and love for Christ will compel you to obey His
command, be baptized, and be saved (John 14:15; Heb. 5:8-9).
Many in churches of Christ are facing a decision. They have never really had to make this choice before. Now they are in a situation where they must decide, and this is why churches of Christ are digressing so rapidly. Others in churches of Christ made this decision long ago. When they heard the gospel they had to choose between denominationalism and the New Testament church. They had to choose between a church where people “get saved” by praying and a church where people have their sins washed away at baptism (Acts 22:16). They had to decide between a church where people shout and women take a lead in worship services and a church where worship is done decently and in order (I Cor. 14:34-35, 40). They had to choose either to just believe in Jesus and ignore issues like divorce and remarriage or stand up for what Jesus said about this issue (Matt. 19:9). These people chose to follow the Bible. They left a denomination. They saw its false teaching and converted to the truth. Most of them were ostracized by their own family. But they are all the stronger for making this decision. They hate the false teaching of denominationalism with a passion that others in the church envy. Who are the ones who have never really made this decision? They are those who have been brought up under the teaching of churches of Christ but accepted it out of convenience or family loyalty more than out of conviction. They have been baptized, but they never really decided whether baptism is essential to salvation or not. They have never worshipped with a piano or an organ, but they really don’t know if it is wrong. They have never heard a preacher say that God spoke directly to him, so they have not really thought about whether this could happen or not. And they have not been concerned enough about the truth to study these things and teach their friends and relatives who are in denominations. But now these people are having to decide. Denominationalism is not just knocking at the door of churches of Christ; it is in many churches of Christ. These members are now seeing denominationalism in their own assemblies for the first time. They are hearing sermons that are denominational: just preach Jesus and don’t worry about doctrine. They are seeing worship that is denominational: clapping and swaying and even using instrumental music. They are seeing women stand before the worship assembly, babies being dedicated in worship, and the Lord’s Supper being used for reasons other than the commemoration of Jesus’ death. They are being taught that people can be saved without baptism, that hell is not forever, and that the Holy Spirit speaks to people directly today and may even work miracles. These people have not cared enough to settle these issues in their mind. They have heard sermons on them but they didn’t pay enough attention to learn. Now they must choose whether to stand against this movement or to join it. They can no longer ignore it. Sadly, many of them make their decision the same way they always have. They just float along with the majority and accept whatever kind of religion wins out. Thank God for Christians who grew up hearing the gospel and have stayed with it because it is the truth. (Mr. Duke is Vice-President of Academic Affairs of Tennessee Bible College, taken from the school’s blog, Ring Out the Message) You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS Joe R. Price Scripture Reading: 2 Peter 3:14-18
1. Growth “in
grace and knowledge” produces steadfastness, which is a hedge against
falling and being led away into error, 2 Pet. 3:17-18 (1 Pet. 4:10; Acts
A. Knowledge of
Christ is Essential for Growth in Grace, 2 Pet. 1:2; 1 Pet. 2:2-3. II. GROW IN GRACE BY GENUINELY LOVING CHRIST, Eph. 6:24. A. The Means of Receiving Grace, Jno. 14:15, 21, 23 (Rom. 6:15-18). III. GROW IN GRACE BY HUMBLY ELIMINATING SIN FROM OUR LIVES, Jas. 4:5-8.
A. God Gives
Grace to the Humble, Jas. 4:6. IV. GROW IN GRACE BY LIVING GRACIOUS LIVES OF SERVICE, 2 Thess. 2:16-17.
A. By Serving
Conclusion You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS
Why Are There Different Churches of Christ? (1) Scripture Reading: Galatians 1:6-10
1. Not every
church of Christ is the same (Rev. 2-3). Why are there different churches of
A. Different
Attitudes toward Using the Scriptures, Jer. 5:30-31 (“Silence is consent”),
A. How to
Establish and Apply Bible Authority, 2 Tim. 2:15; Acts 15:7-21 (CENI); 1
Cor. 4:16-17; 11:1; Phil. 4:9; Matt. 22:29-32; Lk. 12:54-47.
Conclusion NOTEWORTHY NEWS (Current events in the light of Scripture)
Endorsements Former Secretary of State and one-time Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race (John Kerry Endorses Joe Biden in 2020 Race, Zachary Stieber, ’Tis the season for political endorsements. The Bible says some things about endorsing others, particularly when it comes to their moral lives and religious doctrines. Doing so can affect our credibility and soul’s safety (Eph. 5:11; 2 John 10-11). 1. Do not be rash with your endorsements. “Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure” (1 Tim. 5:22). Laying hands on someone was not only how apostles imparted miraculous gifts, it was also a way to signify approval (see the approval given to Saul and Barnabas in this manner, Acts 13:2-4, and the eldership’s endorsement of Timothy, 1 Tim. 4:14). We are liable to make a mistake if we rush to approve the character and conduct of a person without adequate knowledge or verifiable facts that make them worthy of endorsement. Before you give your good name in support of another, be sure that person is worthy of endorsement (2 John 10-11).
2. Consider
the credibility of the person giving the endorsement. Is that person
trustworthy? Is he in a position to know the person or church being
endorsed? Paul endorsed Phoebe to the Romans (Rom. 16:1-2), Timothy to the
Philippians (Phil. 2:19-23), and Onesimus to Philemon (Phile. 8-13). His
credibility gave strength to these endorsements. Before accepting a
recommendation of another person it is wise to ask, “Who recommends the
recommenders?” Commendations given by faithful brethren are reliable, but we
should still do our own investigation to be sure we do not commend those who
are unworthy of endorsement (Phil. 2:21-22; 3 John 9-12).
Created by Chuck Sibbing, last updated. 12/12/2019 The Spirit's Sword is a free,
weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA |