And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
Volume 18, Number
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In this issue: To admonish means “to warn, exhort". Admonition is instruction or counsel given to avoid or cease improper conduct (BDAG). Each Christian has the right and responsibility to admonish a fellow Christian in righteousness. We are not islands unto ourselves, since we all share in the spiritual blessings of Christ (Col. 1:12). While sharing together in heavenly blessings, we show genuine care for one another when we properly admonish each other. Admonitions given concerning spiritual things is an expression of true love and care for one another (1 Pet. 4:8). For instance, the Holy Spirit guided Paul to write, “And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that ye yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another” (Rom. 15:14). Two things are stated here as prerequisite to being able to admonish: goodness and knowledge. Furthermore, we need these qualities in abundance. Goodness identifies purity of heart and honest motives, while knowledge implies the standard upon which the admonition is made. To be effective, admonition must reflect the goodness of Christ (Gal. 6:1-2). Additionally, knowledge of the truth enables us to offer correct admonition (Heb. 5:14; Jno. 7:24). God calls on us to be able to admonish:
1. One another
in song (Col. 3:16).
Let us equip
ourselves with goodness by purging out of our hearts all vestiges of moral
impurity and evil motives. Let us grow in our knowledge of God's word so we
always use God's standard of truth as we warn and exhort one another in the
things of God.
-The Spirit's Sword (I:6), March 23, 1997
Walk by the Spirit “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.” (Galatians 5:16-17) Each of us choose either to live according to the will of God or to sin and satisfy the flesh. Just as Jesus said we cannot serve two masters, the apostle teaches we cannot walk or live by the Spirit and according to the flesh at the same time. They are opposite courses of conduct that produce opposite fruit. Those who practice the works of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God, while those who bear the fruit of the Spirit demonstrate their kingdom citizenship (Gal. 5:19-23). To "walk in the Spirit” is to be "led by the Spirit" and to "live in the Spirit". This means living according to the Holy Spirit-revealed gospel (Gal. 3:1-5; 5:16, 18, 25). When we “walk by the Spirit” our lives bear the “fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23). In order to walk by the Spirit a person subjects himself to “the things of the Spirit” (Rom. 8:5-8). Let us heartily renew our minds and conform ourselves to the will of God and not to the wisdom of the world (Rom. 12:2). Let us more diligently crucify "the flesh with its passions and desires”, living in full submission and obedience to the gospel of Christ (Gal. 5:24).
As you make
daily decisions affecting your life, be sure to consider how your decisions
impact your fellowship with God and your soul’s eternal salvation. Decide to
always be led by the Spirit and not to practice the works of the flesh.
Most of us used
a mirror this morning. In fact, most people use a mirror several times a
day. The reasons are obvious. We want to know how we look because we care
about how we look. A mirror is a tool we use to improve our appearance.
James 1:22-25
says the person who hears God's word but will not obey it is like a man who
looks at a mirror, sees his appearance, yet fails to improve himself. He
forgets what he saw - it makes no impression on him. Since we all need
spiritual improvement, none of us should be like this self-deluded man.
Consider the following comparisons of God's word to a mirror:
1. We must
know how we look to God (Jas. 1:23). God's word shows us how we look to
God. We must see ourselves as God sees us in order to examine ourselves and
make God-approved improvements (2 Cor. 13:5). God's word shows us our sins
and teaches us what to do about them (Rom. 3:23; Acts 2:38).
2. We should
want to improve our appearance (Jas. 1:24). Nothing is gained by using
God's word to learn of our spiritual condition but then failing to repent
and obey God. Only by making the necessary changes in heart and conduct that
God's word teaches will you be blessed (Jas. 1:25).
3. We must
use a reliable mirror in order to be make reliable changes (Jas. 1:25).
Some mirrors distort images instead of giving a clear reflection. Man-made
doctrines distort the will of God and are not unreliable "mirrors" to use to
be assured of God's approval (Matt. 15:1-9). God's word is reliable and
sufficient to improve your spiritual condition before God (2 Tim. 3:16-17).
You can find the complete outline of this sermon
plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files
BIBLE ANSWERS Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 2:18-24 1. Sacrifice of Jesus is the
supreme example of acting under “conscience toward God” (2:19). I. JESUS SACRIFICED HEAVEN’S GLORY. A. He Emptied Himself of the Glory, Honor and Majesty of Deity, Phil.
2:6-8; Jno. 17:5; Jno. 12:37-41-Isa. 6:1-5; Matt. 17:2. II. JESUS SACRIFICED COMFORT, 2 Cor. 8:9. A. The Life of Jesus was Difficult, Demanding and often Dependent on
Others, Lk. 2:7; Matt. 2:14-15; Mk. 6:3. III. JESUS SACRIFICED JUSTICE. A. He was not Treated Fairly: He was Despised, Rejected, Oppressed and
Humiliated, Isa. 53:3-8; Jno. 1:10-11; Acts 8:32-33; Jno. 15:25. Conclusion
You can find the complete outline of this sermon
plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files
BIBLE ANSWERS Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-8 1. Holy: Separated (set apart,
dedicated) and hence, separated from sin and consecrated to God, sacred (Vine). I. HOLY GROUND SIGNIFIES… A. The Presence of God, Exo. 3:5; Psa. 139:7. II. THE DEMANDS OF HOLY GROUND. A. Holiness, Exo. 3:5; 2 Cor. 7:1; Jas. 4:8. III. WE ARE ON HOLY GROUND… A. As the Church, 1 Cor. 3:16-17; Rev. 2:4-5, 14-16. Conclusion
Sensitivity Police Europe met the Americas in 1492 when Columbus landed on a Bahamian island. Since 1937, the United States of America has marked the event with Columbus Day. A move has been underway for some time to change Columbus Day to "Indigenous Peoples' Day" by those who see Columbus as a "terrorist" who introduced great harm to this hemisphere (see "Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day", Elisa Cipollone, For example, the city of Bellingham, WA, will not celebrate Columbus Day on October 12. It will celebrate Coast Salish Day in honor of the coastal tribes of the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia ("Bellingham to hold ceremony on first Coast Salish Day", Samantha Wohlfeil, The Bellingham Herald). This reminds us that some people try to change history to suit their preferences. We do not defend any atrocity perpetuated by Columbus or others. But, Columbus did come. To ignore that fact is not good history. Some try to discredit the Bible to suit their lack of faith. For example, the Hittites (often mentioned in the Old Testament) were said to be mythical by unbelievers (Gen. 15:20; 26:34; 36:2). 19th and 20th century archaeology demonstrated the accuracy of the Biblical record with the discovery of an entire Hittite city ( Sin is redefined to suit today's fleshly, lustful pursuits. Fornication is called a "love affair" (Heb. 13:4). Marriage is redefined to include "same-sex", accommodating sin, undermining birth-oriented families and destabilizing society (not to mention destroying souls, Gen. 2:23-24; Rom. 1:24-27). This redefinition of the family also threatens parental rights (see "To Whom Do Children Belong? How Same-Sex Marriage Threatens Parental Rights", Melissa Moschella,, Psalm 127:3-5.
tries to run roughshod over people of faith. Masked with pleas of
sensitivity and inclusion, its faithless aims are exposed and defeated by
the light of God's word of truth (Jno. 3:19-21; 2 Cor. 10:3-6).
Created by Chuck Sibbing, last updated. 10/12/2015 The Spirit's Sword is a free,
weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA |