And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
Volume 17, Number
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In this issue: We Must be in Harmony with what was Preached and Received in the First Century
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed." (Galatians 1:8-9)
BIBLE (NT Apostles and Prophets) LDS Apostles and Prophets
† ALL TRUTH x NOT ALL TRUTH John 16:12-13 2 Nephi 29:3, 10
† ADEQUATE (sufficient) x INADEQUATE (insufficient) 2 Timothy 3:16-17 2 Nephi 28:29; 29:6
† INCORRUPTIBLE x CORRUPTIBLE 1 Pet. 1:22-25; 2 Jno. 2; 1 Tim. 4:1 1 Nephi 13:28
When we put Mormonism to the test we find that...
BIBLE Doctrine and Mormon Doctrine are NOT the Same!
Why You Should Become a Christian The gospel plan of salvation is clear. The sinner must believe in Jesus to be saved (Jno. 8:24). He must confess his faith (Rom. 10:9-10). He must repent of his sins (Acts 17:30). He must be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). If someone asked you, “Why should I become a Christian?”, how would you reply? Here are a few reasons. If you are not a Christian, we ask you to examine your heart and life to know you should become a Christian now. 1) To be forgiven of your sins. Sin is the violation of God’s law either by committing acts which are opposed to His will, or omitting from one’s life conduct which He commands (1 Jno. 3:4; 5:17; Jas. 4:17). This includes violating one’s conscience, although the conscience cannot be your guide in deciding what is and is not sinful (Rom. 14:23; Acts 23:1). Every morally accountable adult has sinned against God (Rom. 3:23). Until you become Christian you are not freed from your sins. It is a weight that encumbers you and brings you under the just penalty of spiritual death (Rom. 6:23). But, Jesus said “I will give you will find rest for your souls” (Matt. 11:28-30). Rest from the pain and penalty of sin is obtained by the blood of Jesus (Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:18-19). He died to heal your sin and give you eternal life (1 Pet. 2:24; Rom. 5:8-11). 2) To have the proper direction to your life. In a world where people are constantly seeking the newest viewpoint on life (which never bring complete satisfaction and fulfillment), Jesus Christ offers direction to your life that is enriching, enduring and joyful (Jno. 16:22; Phil. 4:4-7). Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jno. 14:6). The guidance of truth from Jesus leads to the throne of God. In John 8:12 He said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” By becoming a Christian you choose to follow the true light that gives you spiritual life (read Jno. 1:4-5, 9). You choose to no longer walk in darkness when you choose to be a Christian. 3) Present spiritual blessings are obtained by becoming a Christian. We speak of the blessings of brotherhood in the family of God. Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time--houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions--and in the age to come, eternal life” (Mk. 10:29-30). Untold blessings are yours in the family of God. The blessings of encouragement, exhortation, teaching, prayer, support, rebuke, love - all these and more belong to the child of God. The Christian lives a sharing, caring life. He does not seclude himself from his brothers and sisters. Christians should have the attitude that “what is mine is yours”, gladly sharing without thought of return (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32, 34-35). Whatever you give up to become a Christian you will receive blessings many times over again (with persecution), and finally, eternal life.
4) To escape
the penalty of sin. Judgment is coming (2 Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:12-15). If
your deeds are evil you will be judged by God's word and condemned (Rom.
2:6-10). God commands you to repent and escape wrath (Acts 17:30-31; Rom.
2:4-5). God wants to save you. Will you obey and be saved today?
You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 I. ...SOWS BOUNTIFULLY, 2 Cor. 9:6. A.
Heart-Generated Generosity. II. ...GIVES PURPOSEFULLY, 2 Cor. 9:7. A.
Purposeful Giving involves a Deliberate Decision Coupled with Genuine
Openness of Heart. 2 Cor. 9:11; 8:1-5; 1 Cor. 16:2. III. ...TRUSTS GOD COMPLETELY TO SUPPLY HIS/HER ABILITY TO GIVE, 2 Cor. 9:8-10 (Prov. 11:25). A. God is
Gracious and Able to Increase Our Ability to Give, 9:10; Matt. 14:17-18. IV. ...GIVES THANKFULLY, 2 Cor. 9:11. A. Our
Ability to Give Comes from God, cf. 1 Chron. 29:13-15. V. ...SHOWS HIS/HER OBEDIENCE TO THE GOSPEL, 2 Cor. 9:12-13. A. Individuals and Local Church (context), 2 Cor. 9:12; 11:8. VI. ...PRODUCES THANKSGIVING TO GOD, 2 Cor. 9:10-15. A. Thanks
for Giver by the Recipient, 9:11. You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS Scripture Reading: Psalm 148:1-5 I. IN THE BEGINNING, GOD WAS ALREADY THERE, Gen. 1:1; Jno. 1:1. A. Eternal
God, Exo. 3:14-15; Jno. 8:58; Prov. 8:22-26. II. IN THE BEGINNING, GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH. A. The
Beginning of the Material Universe, Acts 4:24; 14:15; 17:24; Prov. 8:27-31;
Jer. 51:15; Rev. 3:14; Psa. 33:6-9; Heb. 11:3. III. IN THE BEGINNING, GOD CREATED MALE AND FEMALE, Gen. 1:26-28. A. Adam
and Eve were Real People. IV. IN THE BEGINNING, ALL WAS VERY GOOD, Gen. 1:31. A. There
was No Sin, Gen. 2:16-17.
Conclusion SWORD TIPS
The Purpose of the Commandment Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith. (1 Timothy 1:5) Love is the purpose of God’s commandments; love for God and love for others. It is sad and so wrong when people think the necessity of obedience minimizes one’s love for God. Jesus said, “if you love Me, keep My commandments”; and again, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love” (John 14:15; 15:10). The commandments of God produce good things in your life when you obey them in faith. First, obeying God comes from a “pure heart” toward God. Obedience is not rote performance; it is the deliberate expression of love’s purity. Secondly, obedience shows a good conscience toward God. When it is trained by God’s truth, your conscience will commend you when you obey God. Thirdly, obeying God’s commands is the action of sincere faith. Love God today by keeping His commandments – not as a burden you must bear, but as the full expression of your faith in Him (1 John 5:3). Sword Tips #41 Created by Chuck Sibbing, last updated. 05/04/2015 The Spirit's Sword is a free,
weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA |