And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
Volume 17, Number
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The gospel of Christ is powerful. It has the power to penetrate the thoughts of our hearts to both expose our sin and transform our minds (Heb. 4:12; Rom. 12:1-2). The “sword of the Spirit” has the power to defeat Satan’s efforts to ensnare us and destroy our souls (Eph. 6:17; 2 Tim. 2:24-26). Sinners are saved by the gospel (Rom. 1:16-17; Mk. 16:15-16). This is why we must never be ashamed of the gospel. What is your attitude toward the gospel? It is one thing to affirm our allegiance to the truth when among friends, but how do we respond when among foes? Peter’s denial of Jesus is constantly warns us when we are tempted to remain silent instead of speaking up for the gospel of Christ (Matt. 26:69-75). When you are at school or at work and your buddies start telling vulgar jokes, do you listen in, joining them in laughter? Do you register your protest and refuse to take part in their "coarse jesting" (Eph. 5:4)? What about television, movies and internet videos that display "filthiness...foolish talking...coarse jesting" (Eph. 5:4)? When your school mates urge you to join them in activities that violate God's word, do you refuse and obey the gospel regardless of what they say (1 Cor. 15:33; Prov. 1:10-19)? When false doctrine is taught and souls are being turned away from God's truth to error do you resist the false teacher or accept compromise for the sake of peace (Jude 3; Gal. 2:5)? Saying "'Peace, peace!' when there is no peace" is shameful and does not honor Christ and His gospel (Jer. 6:14-15). Let us carefully examine ourselves to see just how serious we are about the gospel in our lives. The apostle Paul did more that say he was not ashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1:16). His life proved he was neither embarrassed nor reluctant to affirm and live the gospel. He abandoned a promising future in the Jewish religion for the sake of the gospel (Phil. 3:5-7). He was repeatedly persecuted, imprisoned, beaten, harassed and eventually killed because of his faith (2 Cor. 6:3-10; 11:23-28; 2 Tim. 4:6). Would to God that each of us are as ready and willing to be “faithful unto death” (Rev. 2:10, ESV).
Let us remember that Jesus was not ashamed to die on the cross for our sins
(Heb. 12:2). If we are ashamed of His gospel He will be ashamed of us when
He returns (Mk. 8:38). Avoid that most terrible outcome by never being
ashamed of Christ and His gospel.
-Revised from The Spirit's Sword (I:I) Your Speech Makes You Know Joe R. Price A person’s speech is an identifying trait. Even though it has been thirty-seven years since I lived in Texas, people still identify my origin by listening to me speak. Peter was from Galilee, and his speech made him known, too (Matt. 26:73). Our speech makes known our moral values. God’s word teaches to “let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth” (Eph. 4:29). When something is corrupt it is rotten and putrefied. Much of the language used today aptly fits that description. Remembering that our speech reflects the heart, how can we expect to be pure in heart if our words are defiled? Our speech makes known our spiritual values. Most people talk about what interests them. It follows that if the gospel holds a significant part of our interest we will be talking about it (Rom. 1:15; 2 Tim. 2:2). Jeremiah could not keep from speaking in the name of God (Jer. 20:9). How easy (or difficult) is it for us to talk about Christ and His truth to others? Our speech makes known our eternal values. By confessing Jesus in word and deed we acknowledge our commitment to eternal things (Rom. 10:9-10; Matt. 10:32-33). To be confessed by Jesus to the Father we must confess Jesus here on earth.
Our speech
makes known the value we place on others. Speech seasoned with grace
increases our opportunities to truly help those we care about (Col. 4:6;
Prov. 15:1-2). If we speak against one another we do not show brotherly
love; only self-interest and contempt for our fellow-Christian (Jas.
-Revised from
The Spirit's Sword (I:3) The Prayer of the Aged PSALM 71 Joe R. Price Ø Trusts in the Lord, 71:1-3 Ø Hopes in God for deliverance from wicked people, 71:4-8 Ø Pleads for God's constant presence, 71:9-13 Ø Pledges to teach others of God's righteousness, 71:14-16 Ø Pledges to teach the next generation of God's power, 71:17-18 Ø Praises God's wonderful attributes and works, 71:19-22 Ø Rejoices in God's redemption, 71:23 Ø Refuses to be silent, 71:24 My Purpose - Author unknown To be a little kindlier with the passing of each day; To leave but happy memories as I go along my way; To use possessions that are mine in service full and free; To sacrifice the trivial things for larger good to be; To give of love in lavish ways that friendships true may live; To be less quick to criticize, more ready to forgive; To use such talents that I have that happiness may grow; To take the bitter with the sweet, assured ‘tis better so; To be quite free from self-intent whate’er the task I do; To help the world’s faith stronger grow in all that’s good and true; To keep my faith in God and right no matter how things run. To work and play and pray and trust until the journey’s done. God grant me the strength of heart, of motive and of will, To do my part, and falter not this purpose to fulfill.
-Author unknown You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS Judge with Righteous Judgment (Part 1) Scripture Reading: John 7:14-24
1. Judge: To separate, select...determine; thus to decide, give a verdict,
declare an opinion. I. JUDGMENTS WE MUST NOT MAKE.
A. Hypocritical
Judging of Others, Matt. 7:1-5.
Conclusion You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS Judge with Righteous Judgment (Part 2) Scripture Reading: John 5:24-30
1. We will be judged with the judgment we use to judge others, Matt.
A. How? Jno.
Conclusion Created by Chuck Sibbing, last updated. 01/05/2015 The Spirit's Sword is a free,
weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA |