And take…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17
Volume 16, Number
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In this issue: Joe R. Price Guilty! It is easy to put off needful things. Excuses could be offered, but that is what they would be. I suspect I am not the only one who must fight procrastination. So let’s consider some Bible answers to help us overcome it. Set a goal. Maybe it is to pray more, to read the Bible daily, to worship more regularly, or a host of other spiritually beneficial activities. Instead of getting lost in the forest for the trees, identify the particular “tree” you need to give attention. In other words, know your objective. Jesus said as much by urging us to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matt. 6:33). Be decisive. Knowing what to do is not the same as actually doing it. “I made haste, and did not delay to keep Your commandments” (Psa. 119:60). Meet every temptation to delay with an “I will do now, not later” attitude. There is no time like the present. Today is all you have; do not fret about tomorrow (Matt. 6:27, 34). Looking for a more convenient time to do what is right can hide a lack of resolve for actually doing the right thing (Acts 24:25-26). “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2). If you are putting off obeying Christ, now is the time to begin; Delay no longer! Remember that missed opportunities cannot be reclaimed. Neglect is not a substitute for looking for a “better set of circumstances” before actually doing what is needed. Israel was commanded not to delay their offerings of ripe produce and juices (Exo. 22:29). Delay would mean spoilage and a wasted opportunity. Redeem the time you have because life is full of calamities (Eph. 5:16). Sometimes procrastination is another word of “lazy”. Refusing to work by always seeing danger and defeat is a sign of laziness (Prov. 22:13; 26:13-16). There is always “a lion in the road” to the lazy person. The procrastinator would rather delay out of fear than get up, go out and slay the lion.
We do not wish to minimize proper
planning and preparation. These are important, but, putting off what we know
is right in God’s sight is sin (Jas. 4:17). Do what is right today. Tomorrow
will bring its own set of troubles that make it easy to put things off
again...and again...and again (Jas. 4:13-15).
How Do I View A Poor Neighbor?
Steve Wallace
Proverbs 14:20, “The poor is hated even
of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends. 21 He that
despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy
is he.” (KJV) The question we pose
here is a searching one as it differentiates between the views of worldly
and spiritually minded people. Verse 20 states without comment a general
fact among worldly people. In view of the wise man’s words here we ask,
“What would happen to the rich man if he suddenly fell into extreme
poverty?” The obvious answer is that he would no longer have the “many
friends” he formerly had. They were not really friends. They gave a false
impression of being friends. Worldly people find some security in feigning
friendship to people of means. This, of course, reveals the reason behind
the hatred of the poor. Such views leave out any thought of the afterlife
(Ps. 49:6-13; 69:9-12). This is why we describe those who have such feelings
for the rich and poor as “worldly.” They pay no heed to the words of our
Lord. “…It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).
Proverbs 14:21 appeals to spiritually
minded people, people who strive to see life through the eyes of their
Creator and who seek His favor. God cares about the poor (Ps. 10:14; 35:10).
“Neighbor” obviously speaks of a neighbor who is poor. Further, “despiseth”
and “hath mercy” (“hath pity,” ASV; “is generous,” ESV) are
opposite reactions one might have to such a one. These reactions bring
opposite results, sin versus blessings. These opposite reactions to the
needs of one’s neighbor are clearly seen in the actions of the Levite and
the priest on the one hand, and Samaritan on other in Jesus’ parable of Luke
10:25-37. May we all remember that loving one’s neighbor is part of what is
necessary to inherit eternal life (v. 25). It is likely that, if I
despise my poor neighbor, I hold my rich neighbors in high esteem. Our Lord,
by contrast, takes great interest in the poor. A right relationship with the
Lord clearly depends on our refusing the world’s ways and showing kindness
to needy neighbors.
-The Way of Truth and Life
(January 19, 2014) You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS Scripture Reading: Luke 24:13-21
1. The gospel calls us to walk life’s
road with Jesus, Jno. 8:12; 1 Jno. 1:6-7. I. THE ROAD OF DOUBT. A. Present Expectations had not
Materialized, Lk. 24:21, 25, 27; Heb. 6:9-12; Rev. 14:12; 1 Jno. 5:15; 3:22;
Gal. 6:9 II. THE ROAD OF FAITH, Lk. 24:25-27. A. The Signs and Words of Jesus:
Powerful Evidence for Faith, 24:19; 2 Pet. 1:16. III. THE ROAD OF ACTION, Lk. 24:28-35. A. A Moment of Hospitality,
24:28-30; Heb. 13:1-2. Conclusion You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS Scripture Reading: Romans 12:3-8
1. Steward: “primarily denotes the
manager of a household or estate (Vine). He is entrusted with the
goods and affairs of another. I. THE MASTER HAS MADE US
1 Cor. 4:2; Matt. 24:45-49. IV. THE RECKONING DAY, 1 Cor.
4:5; Matt. 25:19. Conclusion NOTEWORTHY NEWS (Current events in the light of Scripture)
Disney Channel Promotes LGBT Agenda Parents, be advised that the Disney Channel is not friendly to families that honor God’s standard of morality. If your children watch this channel they are being exposed to the LGBT agenda. Last Sunday’s program, “Good Luck Charlie” (in its last season) included a lesbian couple as the “two moms” of Taylor, Charlie’s friend (“Disney Channel debuts its first openly gay characters: ‘Taylor has two moms’”). This was first reported by TV Guide Magazine last June:
There was a time when “Disney” was synonymous with wholesome, family entertainment. That time has long since past. Christians cannot afford to wear
blinders to avoid the real and present danger of immorality’s invasion into
homes and hearts. The entertainment industry continues to lead the way in
making sin commonplace and acceptable. Do not be fooled by claims of
“diversity and inclusiveness”; God-fearing people are not included (nor do
they wish to be!). God made families with a dad and a mom (Eph. 6:2). That
remains relevant to families around the world and reflects God’s order for
the home and morality.
Created by Chuck Sibbing, last updated. 02/03/2014 The Spirit's Sword is a free,
weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA |