And take…the sword of the Spirit, which  is the word of God.   Ephesians 6:17


Volume 15, Number 46

Published by
Mt. Baker
church of Christ

1860 Mt. Baker HWY
Mailing Address:

       P.O. Box 30821
Bellingham, WA 98228
       (360) 752-2692

Bible Classes..........9:30 AM
Worship..10:30AM; 6:00PM

Bible Classes.........7:00 PM
All sing last Wednesday

Web sites:
Mt. Baker church
Bible Answers

Editor......Joe R. Price

Morris Bass
Rick Holt

Aaron Bass
Rich Brooks
Mike Finn
Dan Head


In this issue:

What Is Personal Evangelism?

John Isaac Edwards

Evangelism is the personal responsibil­ity of every Christian. We have been saved to save (1 Timothy 4:16), taught to teach (2 Timothy 2:2), and won to win (Proverbs 11:30). Per­sonal evangelism is described different ways in the Scriptures. In this brief writing, we capture three snapshots of personal evangelism:

Personal Evangelism Is Sowing Seed. In the Parable of the Sower, the word of God is set forth as seed and the different soils represent the hearts of men and women (Luke 8:5-15). Since we do not know men’s hearts, we must put the word in every heart possible, and pray the seed lodges in good soil and God will see fit to give “the increase” (1 Corinthians 3:6). The Psalmist said, “He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him” (Psalm 126:6). As Haggai asked, “Is the seed yet in the barn?” (Haggai 2:19), we must get the seed out of the barn and into the soil!

Personal Evangelism Is Fishing for Men. As Peter and Andrew, two Bible fishermen, were casting a net into the Sea of Galilee, Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:18-19). In Luke’s account the Lord said, “...Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught...And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes...” (Luke 5:4, 6). Peter was told, “...from henceforth thou shalt catch men” (Luke 5:10). On the day of Pentecost, Peter let down the net and “inclosed a great multitude of fishes” as “about three thousand souls” gladly received his word and were baptized (Acts 2:41). If we want to see a great “draught” (catch or haul of fish), we must launch out and let down the net! Gone fishin’ lately?

Personal Evangelism Is Winning Souls. Wisdom literature teaches us, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise” (Proverbs 11:30). Daniel 12:3 re­cords, “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; And they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” Winning souls is turning souls to righ­teousness through the power of the gospel (Ro­mans 1:16). In the words of the song Lead Me to Some Soul Today, “Open hearts of those I love, to hear and heed the gospel call; May they start to heaven above, and may they never fall.”

That’s personal evangelism!


Things I Saw This Past Week

Jesse Flowers

     I saw a father and his young daughter arrive at the building to clean the baptistery. Yes, it’s a job that needs to be done from time to time, but its use is divine. For there is “one baptism” (Eph. 4:5), and that “one baptism” is immersion in water (Acts 10:47-48; Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12). Preparations were made for any sinners who might decide to obey the Lord during our gospel meeting by being “baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38).

     I saw young people and older people out seeking the lost. I saw young mothers with their young children walking the streets together in order to invite our neighbors to come hear the saving gospel (Romans 1:16). I saw the excitement and enthusiasm of young boys (Matt. 19:14) racing up to each door to ring the doorbell and hand the one who answered a meeting flyer. They reminded me of the fearlessness and zeal that I need to possess in my efforts to reach the lost (2 Tim. 1:7-8).

     I saw eighty year old men working hard outside clearing out weeds, overgrown bushes, and cutting away branches. And I was reminded of the words of Caleb long ago - “and now, here I am this day, eighty-five years old. As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in” (Joshua 14:10-11). “They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing” (Psalm 92:14).

     I saw teenagers, deacons, and elders working and sweating side by side to help make the outside of the building look much more presentable for our meeting week. I was reminded of what young Timothy was taught. “Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (I Timothy 4:12). I was reminded of what Paul said concerning deacons: “For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus” (I Timothy 3:13). And I was reminded of what Peter wrote to elders when he said, “nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock” (I Peter 5:3).

     I saw some of our women working hard inside the building. Bathrooms were cleaned, floors vacuumed, fans up high dusted, burn out light bulbs replaced, and miscellaneous things straightened and organized. These women reminded of Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea. Paul said of her that “she has been a helper of many and of myself also” (Romans 16:2).

     I saw the hospitality and generosity of godly widows. One who has not been a widow long, bravely signed up to have the preacher in her home for a meal. Another widow unable to entertain the visiting preacher and company in her home provided money for brother Price to be treated to a nice meal at a restaurant. These acts of kindness reminded me of the apostle Paul’s instructions to the saints in Rome: “distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality” (Romans 12:13).

     I saw members present at every service of the gospel meeting. I saw our elderly members with all their aches and pains in their usual seats there to worship God and edify the saints (John 4:24; Heb. 10:24-25). I saw our tired members who worked all day, but who like David were “glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go into the house of the LORD’” (Psalm 122:1). I saw young parents bringing their young children so that from childhood they may know the Holy Scriptures which are able to make them wise for salvation (2 Timothy 3:15).

     These are some of the things I saw this past week. And as a result our God was glorified, and my faith was greatly strengthened!


You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS


Scripture Reading:  Luke 13:22-27

     God wants all to be saved, but most reject Christ, 1 Tim. 2:3-4; Jno. 12:37-40.

I. JESUS SAID FEW ARE SAVE, Matt. 7:13-14.
  A. It is False Security to Think Everybody Goes to Heaven, Matt. 7:13-14; 1 Pet. 3:20; Matt. 7:21-27; 20:16; 22:14.
  B. Those Who Strive to Enter the Narrow Gate, Lk. 13:23-24 (16:16); Acts 26:27-28; Lk. 19:8-10; Josh. 24:15; 2 Cor. 6:2.

  A. Those Who Truly Care for the Spiritual Welfare of Others, Phil. 2:19-22; Matt. 20:26-28); Rom. 12:11; Rev. 3:1.
  B. Those Who Serve Instead of being Served, 3 Jno. 9-10.
  C. Those Who Preach the Whole Counsel of God, Acts 20:26-28; 2 Tim. 4:2; Acts 20:28; Heb. 13:17.

  A. The Lord has Placed Something into Our Hands to be Used in His Service, Matt. 25:14-19, 21, 23, 25-30; cf. Exo. 4:2.


1. Does Jesus have a few things against us? Rev. 2:14, 20.
2. Or, are we among those who have not defiled themselves? Rev. 3:4


You can find the complete outline of this sermon plus PowerPoint and MP3 Audio files at BIBLE ANSWERS


Scripture Reading:  Ephesians 3:1-7

     Giving glory to God is the fundamental purpose and goal of the church. Why God should be glorified in the church.


  A. The Mystery of Christ has been:
    1. Revealed, 3:1-3 (Gal.1:11-12; 1 Cor. 2:10-12; Jno. 16:13.
    2. Written, 3:3. (1 Cor. 14:37; 1 Ths. 2:15)
    3. Understandable, 3:4. Rom. 10:17; Jno. 17:17; 8:32 (With teaching, Acts 8:30-31; 2 Tim. 2:2); Col. 2:2.
    4. Defined, 3:6. (3:5, 9; Col. 1:26-27)
    5. Preached, 3:7-9 (Col. 1:27-29).


  A. The Church Reveals the Nature of God’s Wisdom, 3:10.
  B. Importance of the Church, 3:10-11.
  C. We have Boldness in Christ, 3:12-13.


  A. Spiritual Enrichment, Eph. 3:14-19. Gal. 5:16, 22-24; Jno. 14:23.
    1. Strengthened with power through the Spirit, 3:16; Gal. 5:16, 22-24.
    2. Christ may dwell in your hearts, 3:17-18; Jno. 14:23.
    3. Know love of Christ, 3:19 (1 Jno. 4:7-21).
    4. Filled with all fullness of God, 3:19; Col. 2:10; Eph. 1:3, 23.


1.   Church’s purpose is to glorify God, 3:21.
2.  Sustained by His power (3:20), assured by the revelation of the mystery (3:19) and made bold through faith in Christ (3:11-12).


(Current events in the light of Scripture)

"So God Made a Farmer"
Joe R. Price

By now many of you have seen the video advertising Ram trucks using a 1978 speech by the late Paul Harvey, “So God Made a Farmer”. The video honors the work ethic of farmers and their contribution to our nation.

     God made the first farmer when He made the first man. God “took the man and put him in the garden to tend and keep it”, making Adam responsible for the daily care of the garden (Gen. 2:15). Sin introduced a curse on the ground that brought the corresponding hard work of tilling the soil: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life…in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground” (Gen. 3:17-19). The farmer accepts the challenge of hard work; it defines his character and, when allowed, helps shape his faith.

     Farmers work to eat. They feed themselves, their families and us. Bread, fruit and vegetables do not come from the grocery store, they come from farmers. By observing farmers we learn the necessary part labor plays in our own survival: “if any will not work, neither shall he eat” (2 Ths. 3:10). Thank God for the blessing of being able to work and provide for yourself and your family.

     Farmers depend on God. They rely on God’s sun, God’s rain and God’s seasons when they plant, when they cultivate and when they harvest their crops (Gen. 8:22). These are evidences of God’s presence and power, and the wise farmer realizes his life depends upon God (Acts 14:17).

     Farmers are patient. Year in and year out they endure storms, blight, crop failures and more. Sometimes they see bumper crops. Through it all they keep working and waiting for the harvest (Jas. 5:7).

     Let us follow the farmer’s example.  Let us go forth and sow the seed of the kingdom, the word of God (Lk. 8:11). Let us labor in Christ, knowing it is not in vain (1 Cor. 15:58). And, let us trust God to give the increase as we await His return (1 Cor. 3:6; Jas. 5:8). 


Created by Chuck Sibbing, last updated.  02/11/2013

The Spirit's Sword is a free, weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA
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