Textual Sermons


Matthew 11:16-30


1.  John's life was one of faith, conviction, sacrifice, truth, & persuasion (11:2-15).

2.  The reactions of people to John & Jesus continue to be seen today in Peoples’ reactions to the truth & to Christians.


I.    REACTIONS TO JOHN - 11:16-19.

    A.    Some Saw Him As A Curiosity - 11:7-8.

        1.     cf. How many view Christians today - An oddity, out of place - 1 Pet. 2:9; 4:3-4.

    B.    Some Considered Him A Prophet - 11:9-11; cf. Lk. 7:29 (He was more than that).

        1.     11:10 - Messiah's messenger; 11:14 - The prophesied Elijah (17:9-13).

    C.    Most Rejected Him - 11:16-18; Lk. 7:30.

        1.     Jno. 5:35 - Soon, the demanding nature of his message caused them to spurn him.

        2.     11:19 - Also happened to Jesus (Jno. 6:66)

        3.     2 Tim. 4:3-5 - Same true of anyone who will stand for truth -- come what may.

            a.    2 Cor. 12:15 - What our attitude must be.

            b.     Gal. 4:16 - Even when others see us as their enemies.

    D.    Wisdom Is Justified (Vindicated) Of Her Children - v. 16-19.

        1.     John’s life reflected wisdom & harmony w/ his message (so did Jesus’ life).

        2.     Wisdom's children would have taken to heart John's message (and Jesus’)!

        3.     Those who rejected John were rejecting divine wisdom - foolish!   (1 Cor. 1:21, 25).


II.    REACTIONS TO JESUS - 11:20-24.

    A.    His Works Were Rejected - cf. Jno. 10:37-39.

        1.     They bore sufficient testimony that people could have & should have believed - Acts 2:22

        2.     Upbraided for rejecting - Their rejection was unjustifiable!   Reproached for it!

    B.    The Importance Of Repentance - v. 20.

        1.     A change of mind - Change of life.

        2.     Tyre & Sidon (Ezek. 26-28); Sodom (Gen. 19).

        3.     When we repent, God expects us to cease the sin & do what is right:

            a.     Lk. 3:8-14 - Fruit worthy of repentance

            b.     Acts 26:20 - Doing works worthy - cf. Rev. 9:20-21.

            c.     Cf. use of 1 Cor. 7:24 re. unscriptural remarriages:  To be consist, must allow homosexuals to marry! - cf.                      Matt. 11:23

    C.    The Day Of Judgment - v. 22, 24.

        1.     Refusal to repent in the face of overwhelming evidence of truth - "WOE!"

        2.     Cf. 2 Pet. 2:6 - Ungodly living - cf. Refusal to repent!

        3.     Not that these cities were less wicked - Latter had greater opportunities! - Lk. 12:47-48.



    A.    God's Plan: His Truth Is Revealed To The Humble In Heart - v. 25-27.

        1.     v. 25 - Arrogance and conceit blind men to truth (Matt. 13:11-13); Jno. 9:39-41.

            a.     cf. 11:17-19 - Though claiming wisdom, the opponents of John & Jesus were arrogant fools!

            b.     Truth is thus hidden from them.

        2.     v. 27 - The power by which Jesus worked (v. 20, 21, 23) showed Him to be the Son of God - Having the                  Father's approval.

    B.    The Humble Are Blessed With:

        1.     Knowledge - v. 25; cf. Jno. 7:17.

        2.     Rest from sin - v. 28; cf. Jas. 4:6-10.

        3.     Discipleship - v. 29-30; cf. 1 Jno. 3:1.



1.    There is no wisdom in rejecting the truth that Jesus is Christ or that He can save you from your sins.

2.    Rest from sin awaits - Will you come?