(Jesus of Nazareth:  Part 11)





1. Lk. 21:37-38 - For 4 days after His triumphal entry into Jerusalem Jesus was teaching in the city & lodging at Mt. of Olives.

  a.  Matt. 26:1-5 - Knew what was about to happen - told disciples.

  b.  Matt. 26:14-16 - Judas conspires to betray Him.

2.  Lk. 22:7-13 - Passover arrived - Arrangements made.

3.  The events of the evening are historic & filled with meaning.  See the selfless nature of Jesus in the face of impending danger.



  A.  The Dispute & Suggested Causes. (Lk. 22:24 - "Who is greatest?")

    1.  Possible reasons for contention at this time:

      a.  "Who shall occupy the chief seats of honor at the Passover?"

      b.  "Which disciple should wash the feet of the other disciples & of the Master?" (Jno. 13:1-5)

    2.  Other similar disputes among them - (Mk. 9:33-37; Matt. 18:1).

    3.  Underlying reason for such disputes: Improper view of the nature of the kingdom.

      a.  Matt. 20:20-21, 24-28 - Honor in kingdom! Greatness measured by service & humility.

      b.  Lk. 22:28-30 - They would equally serve in positions of respon. in His kingdom (Spiritual relationship / Apostles / Fellowship with Christ).

  B.  Jesus Personified His Lesson On The Greatness Of Humble Service.

    1.  Lk. 22:27 - Jesus' life was one of service!

    2.  Jno. 13:4-5 - Served disciples by washing their feet!

      a.  Customary gesture of courtesy (Lk. 7:44).

      b.  Synonymous with humble service (1 Tim. 5:10).

    3.  Jno. 13:12-17 - Meaning of this action:

      a.  Not to establish foot-washing as an act of worship!

      b.  v. 12 - "Do you understand the meaning....?"

      c.  v. 13-15 - "Example" of service they must give each other!

      d.  v. 17 - Know -- Blessed if you do them!

    4.  l Pet. 5:5 - Must gird ourselves with humility & serve!


II. JESUS IDENTIFIED HIS BETRAYER (Matt. 26:20-25; Jno. 13:21-30).

  A.  Judas Succumbed To Satan's Temptation To Betray Jesus - Jno. 13:2.

    1.  Jno. 6:70 - Judas had gradually become hardened against Jesus.

      a.  Jno. 12:4-6 - Hypocrisy & covetousness.

      b.  Matt. 26:14-16 - Motivated by covetousness.

  B.  Jesus Told His Disciples Of The Betrayal - Matt. 26:20-25.

    1.  Jno. 13:23-27 - Privately to John.

    2.  v. 27 - Total surrender of Judas’ heart to Satan!

    3.  v. 27 - Jesus is in control!


III.  JESUS INSTITUTED THE LORD'S SUPPER (Matt. 26:26-29; Lk. 22:14-20).

  A.  The Comparison Of Jesus & Passover Lamb - cf. l Cor. 5:7.

    1.  Sacrificed to provide the passing over of sins!

    2.  He gives new meaning to the emblems:

      a.  Unleavened bread (Exo. 12:8) - My body - Lk. 22:19.

          -Eat in remembrance of Him.

      b.  Cup (Fruit of the vine) - My blood - Matt. 26:27-28.

          -Contents, not container which is emphasized.

          -His blood dedicated a new covenant.

          -Poured out for remission of sins.

          -A communion with Christ - v. 29 (l Cor. 10:16).

          -A kingdom event!

    3.  Our observance honors His sacrifice, His unselfishness & allows us to commune with Christ in a special & specific way!



  A.  Peter Given Encouragement Despite Upcoming Denial - Lk. 22:31-34.

    1.  Jesus didn't berate/belittle Peter - Prayed for / encouraged him.

    2.  l Ths. 5:14 - Our example!

  B.  Prepared Disciples For Difficult Times - Lk. 22:35-38.

    1.  v. 35-38 - Were widely accepted, now, face opposition.

    2.  2 Tim. 3:12 - Endure!

  C.  He Promised Them The Comforter - Jno. 14 (esp. v. 31).

    1.  Ability to endure persecution!

    2.  Jno. 14:16-18, 26, 27 - Comforter would give them assurance of divine presence, inspiration, peace.



1.  Just hours before His arrest, etc., Jesus continued to express His love for disciples (Jno. 13:1).

2.  Jno. 13:15-17 - Let us learn & practice the example of loving, humble service Jesus left for us!