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Scripture Reading: Proverbs 4:1-7
Filled With All Unrighteousness (#4)
(Romans 1:28-32)
1. When people refuse to retain God in their knowledge, their values inevitably move to the lowest common denominators of lust and selfish pursuits. This is what we see in the Gentile world in Romans 1:18-32.
2. Continue looking at the last set of unrighteous acts of the godless.
I. DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, Rom. 1:30 (2 Tim. 3:2).
A. Children are to Honor their Parents by Obeying Them, Exod. 20:12; Eph. 6:1-2. Commanded by God, it is a training ground to honor God, Heb. 12:9.
1. Obedience shows respect (“revere” – fear), Lev. 19:3.
2. Obedience shows humility, a necessary quality in a child’s training to learn submission to authority, Prov. 6:20-21. Obedient child has learned that the parent is in control – not the child.
3. Obedience shows trust that blessings come from being obedient, Deut. 11:26-28.
B. Consider the Example of Israel’s Disobedience to God, Rom. 10:21 (Isa. 65:2-3).
1. Israel did not walk in His ways and judgments, Ezek. 5:5-7.
2. Israel rebelled against God’s goodness, Neh. 9:13-25, 26-27.
3. Disobedient to parents was among Israel’s sins, Micah 7:6.
4. LOM penalty for rebelliousness was death, Deut. 22:18-21.
II. ATTRIBUTES OF DISOBEDIENT CHILDREN, Rom. 1:31. (foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless, ESV)
A. Undiscerning: Without Spiritual Understanding (discernment, wisdom, foolish), Col. 1:9-10; Phil. 1:9-10.
1. To him, all things are defiled, Titus 1:15.
2. Paul’s “natural” man who rejects revelation...foolish, 1 Cor. 2:14.
3. See how disobedience to parents contributes to this, Prov. 4:1-7.
B. Untrustworthy (covenant-breakers, KJV; faithless): Does not Keep Agreements, cf. Ps. 15:4; Eccl. 5:2-5.
1. Having already learned to break his agreements by being disobedient to his parents, he continues making promises he does not keep.
2. Lacking integrity; Exaggerated honesty shows he actually places little value upon honesty and keeping his word, James 5:12.
C. Unloving: Without Natural Affection (heartless), 2 Tim. 3:3.
1. Disobedience to parents sets the scene for this heartless treatment of them and of others.
2. “Hard-hearted toward kindred” (Strong’s Concise Dict.)
3. Without the ability to
cherish affectionately (Abortion, euthanasia).
4. Unwilling / failing to
care for elderly parents: “One father cares for ten children, but ten children
are unable to care for one father (mother)—that statement is proverbial.”
1 Tim. 5:8
5. Unforgiving, Rom. 1:31 (not in NU, as in 2 Tim. 3:3).
D. Unmerciful: Callous, unfeeling hearts, Rom. 1:31.
1. Where there is no natural affection there is brutality and cruelty, not mercy, cf. 2 Tim. 3:3.
2. Exploit the weak and helpless, cf. James 5:5-6.
3. Where as the ability to cherish others leads to sympathy and expressions of mercy, the casual dismissal of the helpless is associated with lacking natural affection. cf. Luke 10:30-33
4. The merciful obtain mercy, Matt. 5:7.
A. Although the Guilt of Sin does not Penetrate the Hard Heart, Man is Still a Moral Creature who Answers to God. (1 Tim. 4:2)
1. God’s judgments (ordinances, ASV) against sin are revealed and known (realized), Rom. 1:21, 19.
2. Ultimate rebellion against God: Know His judgments and His punishment against sin is death, yet still practices sin and approves (accepts) those who sin.
1. We must never fail to honor God and be thankful to Him, Rom. 1:21.
2. Once we start down that path we will plunge deeper and deeper into all kinds of sins and remain under the wrath of God.
[1] Lenski, R. C. H. (1936). The interpretation of St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans (p. 122). Columbus, Ohio: Lutheran Book Concern.
By: Joe R. Price
Posted: October 9, 2014