Published by
Mt. Baker church of Christ
Bellingham, WA (1860 Mt. Baker HWY)
(360) 752-2692

Editor/Evangelist  Joe R. Price
Volume IX,  Number 28
  March 26, 2006
"All material is written by Joe R. Price, unless otherwise noted."

Times of services:

Bible Classes..........9:30 AM
Worship......10:30 & 6:00 PM

Bible Classes..........7:00 PM

Web sites:
Mt. Baker church of Christ 
 Bible Answers

"...Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers..." (1 Peter 5:2)
Morris Bass, Rick Holt , Joe Price

"...let them serve as deacons, being found blameless..." (1 Tim. 3:10)
Aaron Bass, Rich Brooks, Mike Finn
John Hague, Dan Head

"And take...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Eph. 6:17)

In this issue:

Gospel Meeting March 26-31, 2006


(1860 Mt. Baker Highway, Bellingham, WA)

Invites you to our


with Evangelist

Steven j. wallace

(Sunnyside & Yakima, WA)

March 26–31, 2006

Monday-Friday:  7:00 PM
(Sunday:  9:30 & 10:30 AM, 6:00 PM)


                                                                        9:30 AM:      2 Timothy 2:15
                                                                     10:30 AM:      Some Things We Cannot Escape
                                                                        6:00 PM:      
Some Things We Can Escape

                                                                   Monday:           Commitment
                                                                   Tuesday:          Satan
                                                                   Wednesday:   Depression
                                                                   Thursday:        Gossipers
God's Plan for Saving Man

(From I-5 take Exit # 255 and go East 4.2 miles)
more information:  please call (360) 752-2692


"In Season, Out of Season, Positive or Negative?"
Steven J. Wallace

Some brethren have elevated themselves and have become content with a position as a "judge" of sermons, of doctrine and of the Scripture as being "positive" or "negative."  I have always been leery of those who think they have the authority to judge the Word as something "negative." I sometimes ask churches when I hold a meeting if there is anything negative about "convince," "rebuke," "exhort."  Usually someone will think that "convince" and "rebuke" are more "negative" and "exhorting" is more "positive." 

Regardless, Paul told preachers to preach "the word" which includes the "whole counsel" and to do so in season or out of season with longsuffering (2 Tim. 5:2; Acts 20:20, 26, 27). It is "out of season" to preach what men like to judge as "negative." Such will always be the case when brethren get bold enough to judge God's word as "negative." (I always thought that if a person could show me how to escape hell that such was a pretty positive thing!)

When people begin making themselves judges of the law they have sinned by making themselves above the law rather than keeping their place "under" the law. James tells us,
"So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty" (Jas. 2:12).

And again he stated,
". . .But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge" (Jas. 4:11).

If I understand James' point, we cannot be partial in God's law. We cannot set aside part of God's law and choose to obey another part,  or we make ourselves judges rather than doers. If we violate any part, if we reject any part, if we despise any part, we then despise it all for it all condemns us (Jas. 2:4, 10). The next time you are asked to judge God's word as "negative" think about this admonishment:
". . .Behold, the Judge is standing at the door!" (Jas. 5:9).

 The irony is, that while some may think they are judging the preaching of the word, it is the word that is judging them, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Heb. 4:12)


Five Views of Baptism (What view do you hold?)
Steven J. Wallace

Jesus stated nearly 2000 years ago, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk. 16:16). To the simple, unbiased and unprejudiced mind, Jesus’ statement is very clear and easy to understand. It is as easy to understand a doctor’s statement, “He who eats his food and digests it will live; but he who does not eat will die.” All of us would easily understand that unless we eat and digest, we will die! However, for those who have allied themselves with human creeds and have been depraved with worldly wisdom, Jesus’ simple statement becomes confusing and contradicting. Although the Bible ALWAYS places water baptism (in Jesus’ name) before salvation, men have sought ways to undermine His authority and confuse the simplicity of our Lord’s  teaching.

      For example, the Atheist would say, “He who believes and is baptized will NOT be saved.” He has rejected the existence of God and the authority of the Bible. Unbelievers believe there is no God, yet one would have to be “God” himself to prove such a position. For one to know that there is no God, he would have had to have been everywhere, seen everything at once and know all things! Yet Jesus had him in mind when he said, “. . .he who believes not shall be condemned,” and again, “. . .he who does not believe is condemned already” (Jn. 3:18). Truly “the fool has said in his heart ‘There is no God.’ ” (Ps. 14:1).

     The Universalist ap­proaches the scripture with the bias that God is a God of only love and therefore He can never condemn anyone. They say, “He who believes NOT and is NOT baptized shall be saved.”  While such a faith accepts the actuality of God, it rejects His word and leaves, nonetheless, a corrupt and misguided picture of Deity. Warning! “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” (Jn. 12:48).

      The Catholic comes along and teaches, “He who believes NOT and is baptized shall be saved.” I say this as a former Catholic who was sprinkled as a baby. Catholics baptize babies because of the erroneous view of inherited sin (Ezek. 18:20); however, Bible baptism was NEVER administered to babies. Jesus taught that babies are safe (Lk. 18:15-17). Notwithstand­ing, subjects of Bible baptism must have first believed (see again Mark 16:16), yet faith comes by hearing the word of the Lord (Rom. 10:17). How can a baby believe when they cannot understand the word of the Lord? Can they also confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus (Matt. 10:32; Rom. 10:9, 10; Acts 8:37)? False doctrine makes us believe unbelievable things!

      Then the Baptist comes and says, “He who believes and is NOT baptized shall be saved.” Yet is this what Jesus said?  Is it Deity’s view? No amount of human manipulation will change the eternal truth of Mark 16:16. Beware all of these “NOTS” are formulated by men in the devil’s “tale” to cheat your soul!

 “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned”
(Mk. 16:16)


Shall we Run to the Thief's Cross or Christ's?
Steven J. Wallace

Jesus said, “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” (John 12:48).  Yet we find many who in one sentence, articulate allegiance with Jesus, but in another breath deny his word.  One clear example of this is found in the various teaching regarding salvation. 

Several are speaking about the salvation of the thief on the cross in Luke 23:39-43.  We do not deny the thief’s salvation; however, we do deny the false teaching that has been circulated regarding him. Some reason as such:  Jesus was baptizing people before his death (John 3:22-26); he saved the thief on the cross without baptizing him; therefore, baptism is not essential for salvation.  If this reasoning holds water, why not reason as such:  Jesus went about saving people before he died and shed his blood (Luke 5:20, 21); he saved the thief before he died; therefore, his death and shed blood are not essential to salvation?  Any honest person can see the point and the absurdity of such reasoning.

We must recognize that the thief died under the Old Testament law and that Jesus’ New Testament would only come into effect after he died.  “For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.  For a testament is in force after men are dead. . .” (Heb. 9:16, 17).  The thief died under the Old Testament but we live under the New Testament today.  Here is the point. To safeguard against flawed reasoning we must consider everything the Bible says on a given subject. 

The Bible’s teaching on salvation is:

·  Hear the gospel (Romans 10:14-17)

·  Believe the gospel (John 3:16; Romans 10:11)

·  Repent of sins (Luke 13:3; Acts 17:30).

·  Confess Christ: “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9).  Note: the thief on the cross could neither believe nor confess this verse!

·  Be Baptized: “He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. . .” (Mark 16:16; cf. Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21).

·  Remain faithful to the Lord (Rev. 2:10).


Created by Chuck Sibbing - 03/26/2006

The Spirit's Sword is a free, weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA
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