Published by
Mt. Baker church of Christ
Bellingham, WA (1860 Mt. Baker HWY)
(360) 752-2692

Editor/Evangelist  Joe R. Price
Volume VIII,  Number 04
Jul 25, 2004

"All material is written by Joe R. Price, unless otherwise noted."

Times of services:

Bible Classes............9:30 AM
Worship......10:30 & 6:00 PM
Bible Classes............7:00 PM

Elders:       Morris Bass
                 Rick Holt
                 Joe Price

Web sites:

"And take...the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Eph. 6:17)

In this issue:

Fishers of Men
Connie W. Adams

“And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mt. 4:19).  With this challenge Jesus began to gather the men who would turn the world upside down.  They “fished” for men as they went into all the world to preach the gospel to every creature.  Like their master, they went out to “seek and save that which was lost.”  But how are modern-day disciples doing as fishers of men?  Do we have enough nets or lines in the water?  Fishing takes patience.  My grandmother would sit on a creek bank all day long if she could just get a “bite” once in awhile.  When they bit just now and then, she knew there were fish down there.  Successful fishermen also know that there are times when fish bite more eagerly than others.  That is the time to gather in the catch.  There are times when men are more receptive to the gospel than others and we need to be alert to that.  I hear much lamentation about the deteriorating morals in our nation and I have equal concerns as to where this will all lead.  But the gospel was born in bad times.  Immorality was rampant in the first century world.  Philosophy had proven to be a failure in satisfying the needs of the soul.  Dissipation had disappointed the licentious and many were ready to listen to the gospel.  Remember it was the publicans and sinners who came to the Lord more readily than the aristocrats and religious leaders.  Who knows but what we have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.  What kind of fisher of men are you?

-GUARDIAN OF TRUTH, June 3, 1993, p. 3


The Sin of Ingratitude
Joe R. Price

The Christian’s life should be abounding in thanksgiving unto God (Col. 2:7).  We, above all people, should live thankful lives, having obtained the unsearchable riches of Christ through obeying His gospel (Eph. 3:8).  Every spiritual blessing is ours and consequent­ly, thanksgiving ought to be a continuous part of who we are and what we do (Eph. 1:3; 5:3-4).  Our every prayer and our every action should portray gratitude to our loving and gracious Father and His Beloved Son (Eph. 5:20).

But sadly, the sin of ingratitude can and does affect the children of God.  Like spoiled children who expect to have things “our way,” we forget that every good gift comes from our heavenly Father (Jas. 1:17).  We begin thinking and living as if God is obliged to answer our prayers, to shower us with our every desire, and to grant us heaven as if it were our due.  Like Israel who forgot that Jehovah had brought them out of Egyptian bondage, we are tempted to say, “My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth” (Deut. 8:11-20).  (If you think this overstates the case, when was the last time you prayed a simple prayer of thanks before eating your food?)  How deluded we become!

The story of the ten lepers who were healed by Jesus with only one returning to thank Him (and that, a Samaritan) should remind us how important it is to be gratitude to God (Lk. 17:11-19).  The Lord’s mercy was shown to all ten lepers, but nine of them were so consumed with themselves and their newfound health that they entirely failed to honor the One who healed them.  They had pleaded to Jesus as “Master” to be healed (v. 13), yet only one showed his faith in Jesus by returning to thank Him with worshipful praise (v. 15-19).

Like the Samaritan, we should “glorify God” and give Him our continual thanks for the mercy He has shown us in healing us from our sins.  Such thanksgiv­ing is an expression of our faith (Lk. 17:19; Psa. 96:1-3, 7-9).

What better time than today to renew your resolve to be more thankful to God each day?  When did you last give thanks to the Lord?

“At midnight I will rise to give thanks to You, because of Your righteous judgments.”  (Psalms 119:62)


Come, Hear, Do
Joe R. Price

We live a lie if we voice allegiance to Christ Jesus while dis­obeying His word.  Another word for this type of life is “hypocrisy” (1 Pet. 2:1).  It is foolish to say and not do (thinking that just saying “I believe” some how makes it so).  The essence of saving faith is trusting God’s word enough to obey what He says (Jas. 2:14-26; Matt. 7:21; Lk. 6:46-49).

     In Luke 6:46-49, Jesus said one must do three things for Him to truly be his “Lord” (master, ruler).  First, one must “come” to Jesus (Lk. 6:47).  Personal will is involved in our salvation.  This eliminates the false doctrine of irresistible grace.  God will not force you to be saved; one must come to Him.  He is found in the gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 17:27; Jno. 6:44-45).

     For Jesus to be our Lord we must “hear” His word (Lk. 6:47).  We do not hear the word of God through visions and dreams, but through the gospel of Christ (Heb. 1:1-2).  We must open our Bibles and open our hearts to God’s truth (Lk. 8:15; Eph. 3:3-4; 1 Ths. 2:13).

     For Jesus to be our Lord we must “do” His word.  Obeying Jesus is essential.  Otherwise, we offer only lip service (Matt. 15:8-9; Jas. 1:21-25).

     By coming, hearing and doing, we are safe and secure in the salva­tion of Christ.  Like the house with a deep and sure foundation, we can meet any onslaught, confront any adversary, and defeat any foe (Lk. 6:48).  The reason?  Because Christ strengthens us, secures us, and saves us (Eph. 6:10-13; 1 Cor. 10:13; Phil. 4:13).  Is Jesus really your Lord?


You can find the complete outline of this sermon at BIBLE ANSWERS

"Let Us"

Scripture Reading:  Hebrews 4:11-16

Christians face real dangers to faith.

I.  LET US FEAR – Heb. 4:1.

  A.  Be Watchful, Have Cautious Care Not to Miss Heaven – Heb. 3:16-19; 4:11; 1 Cor. 16:13; 1Ths. 5:1-11.

II.      LET US BE DILIGENT – Heb. 4:11.

  A.  Because of the Possibility of Being Lost (Due to our Unbelief) – Heb. 4:6; 2 Pet. 1:10.
  B.  Because of the Promise of Rest – Heb. 4:9-10; 2 Pet. 1:11; Rev. 14:13; Heb. 10:23.

III. LET US HOLD FAST OUR CONFESSION – Heb. 4:14 (3:6, 14; 10:23).  We must endure, Lk. 21:19; Heb. 6:11-12; Rev. 12:17; 13:10; 14:12; He.10:36ff

  -Prayer is the Expression of a Confident Faith – 4:15-16; 7:25; Phil. 4:6-7.


  A.  Stunted Growth Hinders Faith – Heb. 5:13-14; 6:4-8, 9-12; Phil. 3:14.

VI.  LET US DRAW NEAR TO GOD – Heb. 10:22 (13:13).

  A.  Live With God:  True Heart & Fully Assured Faith – 10:22; 13:5-6.

VII.  LET US CONSIDER ONE ANOTHER – Heb. 10:24-25 (Phil. 2:3-4; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 14:26).


  A.  Repent of Every Sin – Acts 8:22.
  B.  Run our Race with Endurance – 12:2.

IX.  LET US SERVE GOD WITH GRACE – Heb. 12: 28; 1 Jno. 5:2-3; Heb. 13:15.


(Current events in the light of Scripture)

Wildfires Erupt
Joe R. Price

     Wildfires have erupted throughout the western United States over the past month.  In California, for example, this summer has seen an “unprecedented early onslaught of wildfires”.  The peak season for wildfires in that state is August (“Southern California fears worse to come for fires”, MSNBC News,, 23July04).  Consider some Bible “fires”:

     1) The uncontrolled tongue ignites a wildfire (Jas. 3:5-8).  This fire may erupt in a variety of ways, but all are deadly in their effect.  The tongue that deceptively jests against its neighbor is like fiery darts hurled at the innocent (Prov. 26:18-19).  The tongue that bears tales (gossips) stirs up strife and contention like stirring hot embers causes the fire to burst into flames (Prov. 26:20-21).  If you do not control your tongue you may well start a wildfire that consumes you!

     2) The presence and power of God is often depicted in Scripture with fire (Exo. 3:2-4; 13:21-22; 19:18; 24:17; Deut. 4:33-36).  At times God’s judgment against sin was applied by fire (Lev. 10:1-2; Num. 11:1; 16:35; Psa. 50:3).  Such fire was a sign of God’s wrath against sin and punishment of sinners (Num. 26:10; Psa. 106:18).  “The Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” (Deut. 4:24; Heb. 12:29). 

     3) The fires of hell are not quenched (Mk. 9:43-49).  Jesus spoke of “everlasting fire” as the punishment of the offender in Matthew 18:8.  All whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life, along with the devil, will be cast into the “lake of fire” where the enemies of righteousness will be “tormented day and night forever and ever” (Rev. 20:14-15, 10).  Rather than quibble about the reality of hell and its eternal length, we must accept the truth about hell fire and do everything necessary to avoid such a place where sin is eternally punished (Matt. 18:8-9).


Created by Chuck Sibbing - 07/23/2004

The Spirit's Sword is a free, weekly publication of the Mt. Baker church of Christ, Bellingham, WA
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